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I didn't know why but I suddenly had the urge to ask, "Do you like me, Neil?"

I can hear my heartbeat through my head. Since I was too exhausted from all the dancing, I was catching my breath.

Neil's face was too close to me as he carries me by his arms.

Why did I ask that?

Maybe because Neil confuses me. Sometimes, I feel like he cares for me. But oftentimes, we'd argue. He always annoys me. And he'd shut me off. However appaling he may be, I'm having these weird feelings of familiarity with him. I feel protective of him. I feel-

"You said you won't take advantage of me, Danni. Then why are you asking me that?" he replied with a question. And his eyes were glued to me with this heated passionate warmth that pierces my entire body. I'm melting in his arms.

"Wha- I just asked. I'm not going to- I don't mean any-" I was stuttering because he's making me feel nervous. Is he teasing me again?

"How about you, do you like me, Danni?" he asked again.

Do- Do I like, Neil?

Maybe, I am a little stupid because from the embarassment of the question he just asked, I pushed him off me aggressively.

We both fell on the ground.

He fell on top of me. Pinning me to the floor. This position is even closer than a while ago. I feel his heart throbbing through his chest as it presses on top of me. All while his arms are pinned above my head. I felt him trying to move his knees on my side but as he does so, every sliding from our cloths was making me squirm a little. Sh*t. I couldn't hold in my weird reactions. What is wrong with me??? This is Neil! The menace you hate!

From this position, he suddenly traced my hair to be tucked to the back of my nape. I feel his fingers fiddling slowly on my hair ends. Then he whispered, "Danni, ever since we were young, I have always-"

"Hey! Who's there?!" a guard suddenly opened the door and Neil propped up. I did too.

"You two! Kids these days are really! Get out of here!" he yelled and we both immediately ran out.

As we were both catching our breaths after running away, I called for him "Wait Neil! I can't run anymore!"

He turned and walked closer to me as I loom down catching my breath.

I gulped and waited for when I can finally hear what he has to say "You were saying something before we got caught by the guard, right? What was that?"

He looked at me endearingly. He smiles as he reaches his hands to my eyes and suddenly flicked my forehead to say "You always bring trouble. I have always hated you."

I gloomed down. Is that really it?

"What? Are you disappointed? Why? Do you like me?" Neil asked eagerly.

"No. I have always hated you too! D*mbass!" I pushed his shoulders away. Tsk. What did I even expect anyway?

"I see. I knew you're just playing me again like a toy." he says as he walked faster than I did.

He brought me home then left quietly. After that, we never talked to each other again. Then after graduation, I never saw him again.

I just came to realize that...
He really did hate me.
Since he just left and disappeared like that.
Without even saying a word.


"Move this here, Neil." Danni ordered.

I hired her as a part timer. But why is she ordering me around like she's my boss? Whatever. Her ideas all makes sense anyways. I'm an entrepeneur, so I am open to suggestions.

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