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I was about to send a thank you gift at the coffee shop. I prepared a bouquet, baked some brownies and written a thank you letter. Upon walking in, I saw a hiring post outside their door. I immediately took it and entered.

"Hi are you currently hiring for part time? I'm interested." I asked since I can work out my schedules. This would also be good so I'd get to observe the place. I can find Nemo.

"Ah yes. Let's talk some details after 10 minutes. I'll just finish the order cue. Kindly wait on the table over there. Would you like anything?" the staff answered.

"No thanks. I'm good. But I have some fan gifts that I'd like to leave for Nemo. He said to leave it here?" I asked.

"Ah yes. Well. He's actually right- uhm- I'll just take those and deliver it to him. Thank you." she answered. She was stuttering and kept looking at my back.

So I turned around to check what's behind and I saw a man's chest. I tilted my head up and it was Neil Morgan looking down at me. The menace. Ugh. He's here again.

"When have you gotten so small, midget?" he teased.

He really irritates me so I pulled a little prank on him.

I pointed my index finger at his shirt and asked, "Oh what's this on your shirt?"

As soon as he looked down, I lifted my index finger to flick his nose. Serves him right. Then I mocked, "You've gotten tall but your brain is still that of a skinny little lizard's"

He clicked his tongue and gestured to hit me but I know it's just a joke.

"What are you doing holding that hiring sign, Dumb-ie?" he asked.

"I'll apply as part timer here so you better be nice to me or I'll put weird things on your drinks!" I scoffed at him and walked away. Why is he still following me around?

He sat in front of me then asked, "Then why would I hire you, if you'd do that to your boss?"

Wait wait. What?! He owns this shop?! Oh no! But actually that totally makes sense. He was always here. But wha- oh sh*t.

My mouth was hanged open as he suddenly leaned on the table to reach my chin. He held it by his thumb and side of index finger then looked me in the eye.


He pushed up my jaw to close my mouth and mocked, "Ew. Close your mouth. Your salivating already."

I held on my chin and quickly turned away. F*ck!!! This is so irritating. I didn't want to encounter Neil again. I- I-

I glanced at him and I feel warmness building up in my face.

Ugh. I hate you so much, Neil!

But I had to endure this. So I'll get the chance to meet Nemo. All this will surely be worth it once I meet him.

"Tell me, why would I hire you? Even as a part timer? I won't just hire you if your reasons are petty." he asked seriously.

Oh no. My reasons are indeed petty. I just want a chance to investigate and meet Nemo. But I can't tell him that. Besides, he's going to tease me forever if he knew about my little obsession with an online personality.

I tried looking around the shop. Since I'm an information designer, I noticed a lot of furniture placements that can be improved on. As well as how the menu was laid out, it's ofcourse, confusing. I experienced that on my first order. The first on their menu was a bitter plain coffee. They should highlight their best sellers more.

"If you want to entice more customers on your shop, you need to lay down information better. For example, your counter is too far from the entrance. And there's a table blocking the entrance way. The consumers would need to pass through such obstacles before getting to order. Free that area. You have merchandise collection at the far end of the shop. It's rotting away there. You should place them beside the ordering cue so that people will see it more. Also your menu lacks information for non-coffee enthusiasts. You want to serve, not only to coffee lovers, but also those who'd like to try out something new. It lacks details. Your overall aesthetic and vibe is simple yet pretty but the way the information was arranged needs a lot of improvement." I discussed.

Finding NemoWhere stories live. Discover now