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"Good morning class. We need a representative for the chess competitions during the sports festival. Does anybody here know how to play chess?" our homeroom teacher asked and a deafening silence followed.

Ofcourse, who would ever volunteer themselves as a representative. As teenagers in high school, nobody wanted to be labeled as attention whores or teacher's pets. Even more so for a chess competition. Those are for nerds or geeks. I definitely, am trying to evade that label. I've even hidden the fact that I was valedictorian in elementary when I switched schools.

Everybody started bowing their heads down and averting the teacher's gazes.

"Alright. Nobody wants to volunteer. Let's see." the teacher said then he began tracing the attendance records with his index finger.

"Morgan. You're that morgan's little brother. You! At the back, trying to take a nap. Look at me." this teacher yelled. Sh*t.

"I can see the resemblance. Your brother was the chess champion. Among other things. That settles it. You'll be the volunteer." he says.

"But- I- sir!" I stood and tried to refuse.

However, he continued to say "You're a family of smarts. Your brother was a pretty famous alumnus. Being a student leader, athlete and all. Neil Morgan, huh? You must be the valedictorian he kept boasting about. Your brother was so proud of you."

The teacher left and I had no other choice now. I'm gonna have a talk with big brother after school. Argh. Now everybody probably thinks I'm a geek.

Just great.

I do know how to play chess. My brother always asks for a practice partner. He's the type to excel in anything.

But I'd always lose to my brother. How can I compete to win, then? I'm not too confident. Whatever. Let's just wing it.


I was the school's chess champion for 2 years straight. Now, why the hell am I suddenly biting my nails in agony trying to beat the sh*t out of this annoying brat.

You really are a menace, Neil Morgan!

He looks relaxed while he clasps his hands and cross his legs to inhale a breather. Then, we suddenly met eyes as he looked up to gaze at me.

Why the hell did he suddenly smirk and cover his mouth like that?! He always does that to me! Like his mind is conspiring some kind of insult at me. I grit my teeth in annoyance.

"Are you laughing at me? Huh? The game's not over yet!" I scoffed and started pointing at the board and pieces to continue nagging, "Why are you taking so long to make your move! Just move anything already! This isn't the national chess championships, d*rn it! Why are you taking it so seriously?!"

"Relax. I'm just casually playing. Why are you yelling at me?" he chuckled.

Then, like he suddenly had an inner realization, he stroked his chin and said, "You don't want to lose? Why are you taking this so seriously?"

Then he stood up, gestured to slap his butt and asked, "Is your mom going to hit you with the broomstick if you lose?" then immediately started laughing out loud. The spectators were also grinning along his playful and naughty movements.

Oh sh*t. Yeah. That's one of the reasons.
My eyes began to swell a little.
But I sniffed it in and looked away immediately.

My parents are very strict. They expect too much from me since I'm an only child. They don't hit me anymore in this age. Ofcourse, I'm a teenager already. But they're still creative with punishment. Getting grounded. Extra housework. And constant nagging. I hope I'll get a sibling soon. So I won't have to bear this much pressure on my shoulders anymore. Despite this, I still love them. Because family is family. I know they only want what's best for me.

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