Writer's Note

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Hi guys!

First of, I really still feel like apologizing for not updating and writing for days. I'm so sorry. I went on a staycation with friends and engaged myself socially for the past days (while my back heals)

Just to share, I had my back checked already and thankfully, there wasn't anything serious about it as per my results. It was just a case of severe muscle spasm brought about by overwork. I was scared since I really couldn't bend my back forward and my work nature requires a lot of sitting for hours, bending down and carrying at times (along with my boxing hobby). Just mere standing felt uneasy on my low back. I thought it was slipped disc or sciatica. But good news! The doctor said it is not. And the medications he gave are helping a lot too (along with core exercises I do)

Thank you so much for all your well wishes! Know that I have read all of them and I am so touched by your kind comments 🤍

I was just going to start off writing the last chapter already when I came across an intriguing news somewhere. *Trigger warning first* if some of you have read Mixed Signals (2nd part), I just felt like sharing this since it tackled a bit of this there. Anyways, there was a guy who had publicly revealed that he was violated by his male friend. I felt so bad because he lost his case on court. He was claimed to be gay and in love with his perpetrator when he had an actual girlfriend fr. I can only imagine the agony. When I wrote that bit, I was also skeptic on whether it's something that can happen for real. Sigh. But yeah, it's something that can. Anyone can violate you, even your lover. So always know and be clear of your personal boundaries.

Lol sorry I ranted a bit there. Anyways, I am off to writing the last chapter now. Hopefully, I can finish it soon for us to read together.

I don't want this story to end yet (but it should, already since more could probably make it lose it's quirk) After finishing this story too, I don't have a new story concept yet. That's why maybe I'm clinging on it a little more? Lol

On some lighter fangirl vibes, I will finally be golfing soon LMAO in a few weeks from now! I finally found an ultra mega cheaper alternative HAHAHAH LOL mini-golfing!!! My friends and I will go glamping (we can't really go real camping since we'd probably die from lack of WiFi after a few hours). There's a small course on the cite we chose. I'll try it out, ofcourse. Wooshik vibes all the way lol eeeeeppp excited!

I don't really have a Tiktok account too. But after knowing that Wooshik is their (korean) ambassador, it made me think on creating one. But nah.

Anyways again, thank you so much!
Be safe and healthy everyone! 🤍
Writing still in progress...

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