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When I was eleven years old, I faintly remember doing much. All I know is that I'd always go out in my bike and roam around the basketball court to play with some friends. I'm not really a tall kid as a young boy, so I wasn't into basketball. Besides, my big brother is already into that sport. I don't feel like following his footsteps.

My friends and I would just buy game cards, marbles and many more. Afterwards, we'd drink carbonated softdrinks that's placed on a plastic bag with a straw. Then we'll walk home, having the energy to face our mom's wrath for coming home so late.

"Neil! So you decided to go home, huh? All you ever do is play around outside. Look! You're all dirty now! It's summer vacation! Don't you even plan to help out at home? Look at your brother. He did the dishes! How about you? You are such a-" my mom lashes out and nags me as she pulls me by neck to our dining table. It's always dinner time by the second I got home.

I just kept quiet and took all the nagging my mom does. Because if I did answer back, she'd get mad at me for talking back at her.

"By the way, prepare yourself. Tomorrow, you'll be going to the doctor." my mom says.

Huh? Why?
I looked back at her with eager eyes.

"You'll be circumcised. So you'll finally grow tall. You look like a limp kid compared to your peers. It's because you always play outside. All you do is play around. You are so picky with your food. Why can't you be-" my mom nags again.

I'm a little nervous with getting circumcised but most of my peers had already finished last year. And they all grew taller than me. Is there really a scientific basis for that? Would getting circumcised really make me taller?

With the hope of growing taller and bigger, I prepared myself.

It didn't hurt that much during the operation. But the recovery was-

"Oh hi, you came to visit so suddenly. I wasn't able to cook and prepare anything. Sit here." I hear my mom saying after I came out of our common washroom.

I was surprised to see that annoying girl walking to our living room with her mom.

She was giggling unstoppably and looking at me with this amused face.
What? What's wrong?

"We'll just return your elder son's books. We borrowed them for Danni's summer advanced classes, remember?" I heard Danni's mom say. However, upon looking at this self-absorbed little girl, she was still continually smirking and laughing.

It's starting to irritate me.

"Go and play with Danni over there, Neil. Have some candies too." my mom said. And I did as I was told. Dannie follows me as she smirks quietly. I picked some candies and placed it in between us while we sit on the floor with my legos and board games. The TV was playing afternoon cartoons as well.

I know, I know. We're eleven already and I'm still playing my legos. Some might find it odd. But you have to understand, during that time, we don't have phones or tablets yet. It's either this or we play outside with competitive games together. Though, I feel like my childhood was better that way.

"You look really pretty in those." Danni mocked.

As soon as she said this, I realized that I forgot I was wearing a skirt. D*rn it! My mom asked me to wear it. She said it's to keep the cloth from touching my healing junior.

I was turning red while Danni laughs at me. She was even singing princess fairytale songs to match. This bully!

I decided to munch on some gum. While she was busy creating her lego masterpiece, I decided to get back at her. We'll see who'll laugh after this.

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