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"What are you giggling about?" young Neil from elementary asks as I daydream by the window.

I was actually excited for the school fair later after the half day classes. We get to play lots of games, jail booth, treats everywhere and many more!!!

I just ignored Neil and went on with my excited daydreaming.

"You're such a weird girl!" Neil yells.

"Neil! What are you yelling for?" the teacher suddenly threw a chalk at our direction.

Then Neil yells, "Teacher! Danni is so weird! She was laughing on her own! I'm scared!"

The teacher just sighed and said, "Quiet and listen to class!" then she continued with her lesson.

With this, I popped out my tongue at Neil and he immediately tapped and patted my back to say, "It's okay, Danni. Laugh all you want."

I flicked his arms away and continued to excitedly wait by the window.

While finally walking around, I was surprised to be grabbed by some officers. They pulled me to be placed at the jail booth.

"Hey! Why me of all people?!" I yelled to ask.

"You were asking for it. See?" one officer says and then he pulled a paper on my back. It says: Put me to Jail!

Wha- when did I have those at my back?!

Then I remembered Neil patting my back awhile ago. Eurgh! That menace will surely get it!

"Can I have someone be put to jail too?" I asked.

"Ofcourse. Just pay up with tickets. So who is it?" the officer asked.

"Neil Morgan." I said and immediately used my tickets.

After a few minutes, finally, Neil was here too. I laughed maniacally at him as he kicks his feet at the ground. Serves him right!

"Now what?" he asks as we sat by the floor in front of each other. We were passing a rock with our feet boringly.

I am also thinking how boring this ended. We just both ended up in jail when suddenly, an officer grabbed both of us out of the booth.

"Someone requested this union that we are about to witness right now." somebody in the middle announces. What the?

"Danni, do you promise to take care of Neil, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer and till death do you part?" this weird guy asks and I felt people wrapping me up with some kind of costume. Then they had me hold what seems to be a bouquet.

"Huh?" was all I can say because I'm confused. What is happening?

"We'll take that as a yes! Great job! Now, Neil, do you promise to take care of Danni, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer and till death do you part?" the guy turned to ask Neil too and he was blushing red while he looks at me.

I suddenly realized what's happening as I check the signage. This is the Marriage Booth! Whoever decided to set us up on such a disgusting prank?!

I was about to lash out but Neil suddenly yelled, "Yes! I do!"

What the?! Is he messing with me now?!

He looked at me all red then laughed to say, "Le- let's just get this over with! You look- you look funnily weird in that veil!"

I was fuming in anger when suddenly the freaking guy in the middle yelled, "Great! You may now kiss the bride!"

And the crowd started to cheer, "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

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