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"Danni!" I yelled in anxiety.

"What?!" she yelled back.

I walked over to her as she attempts to pick up the shattered glasses on the floor.

I quickly grabbed her arm then yelled, "To my office! Now!"

"Oh no. Poor Danni."
"Boss is going to scold her again."
"Another pay cut for Danni."
"Why does she always get in trouble recently?"
"I know. That's why boss would always call her to his office to be reprimanded."
"Those two are never gonna get along, are they?"

I hear my staff murmur as we walk. Opening the door, I warned them and said "Nobody interrupt us, okay?!"

"Oof! Boss looks so mad."
"Yeah. He looks super angry."
"He rarely yells. Only Danni can make him yell like that."

They continue. I locked the door, closed my blinds and turned to Danni.

"Why are you causing trouble again? At this rate, the business would go under. Don't you have any brain?" I started scolding her.

She irked and followed to say, "I have a brain! Look! My plan worked."

"Your plan?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Yes. My plan. To get you alone." Danni said and started to twirl her fingers from my wrists up to my chest.

I am feeling excited but I held in my feels by grabbing her wrist away from me.

"How many times are you going to do this at work?!" I asked with anger.

Danni started rubbing her nose on my neck, then to my chin and I looked down at her so she can brush it to my nose.

"As many times as I can. Since I can't seem to get enough of you." she whispers and I was just melting away. My self control crumbled.

I began to reach my lip to own hers. And began hugging her so tightly, she felt like she'll break.

"I thought you're mad at me for breaking another cup?" she pulled away to ask.

"I am! So mad! I'm very angry at you Danni!" I yelled as I hardened up to her.

"Are you going to punish me, boss?" Danni teases.

"Danni, you never cease to bring trouble. So annoying." I whispered as I lick her neck down to her chest. I began thirsting for her so hard, my hands were just pulling and inserting on her clothing.

"You're the annoying one. You're too fun to tease." she responds as she began reaching under my pants.

And our usual competition in my office began. Who can hold in their noises better? Me or Danni?

"F*ck! B-boss!" Danni yells. And I guess, I won?

"What?! Are you talking back at me?!" I yelled back to cover her mouth then I re-inserted my tongue on it to quiet her down.

"So good." Danni whispers.

Then someone knocked, "Uhm boss? Sorry to interrupt but your brother and his friend are here for Nemo again." they said.

"Coming!" I yelled back. And I did come. Just not by the door but on Danni's skin.

I grabbed tissues and wiped to clean us up quickly. Then we both walked out of my office after getting dressed.

As we walk out, I scolded Danni and said, "Don't repeat that again, understood?!"

She bit her lip to hold in a smirk and answered, "Whatever you say, boss."

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