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"Hi guys! Sorry if I haven't been able to update much lately. It's been hectic. And today. Whew. Today was really wild for me." Nemo narrates in his new video. And I eagerly watched.

"Have you ever hated so much that you can't stop thinking of them?" Nemo asked and I immediately sat down from lying in my bed.

Yes! I think I do!

["Why would you kiss a lizard?"
"A prince, huh?"
"Danni and I- got into a fight."]

I scratched my head in agony, messying my hair up. Why can't I-

I can't stop thinking of-
Neil's scent.
His breaths.
His skin.
His lips.

I covered my face in my pillow and squealed as hard as I can.

Why did I kiss him?
How will I face him now?

Wait. He kissed me back too!
And much intense at that!
So we're even!
Wait. If he did much intensely, then-
Argh! No, Danni!
Don't try to get even!

"I hate that I can't ever seem to get it out of my system. Ever since I was young, I am hella annoyed by it. Why? Because I know they're just messing with me. They're probably just fooling you." Nemo says. And his guitar cover started. It's a cover of Quit Playing Games With My Heart by Backstreet Boys. A kind of modern rendition.

Again, I have resonated with Nemo's thoughts and song choices.

What if Neil was just teasing me?

I curled up in a ball as I felt heaviness in my chest. My eyes are starting to swell. Hey, Danni, stop it. You shouldn't cry over-

I remembered how I visited Neil's home after high school graduation to try and have fun with him again. I did visit their home for at least three weeks every day. And at the last day of the month, I decided to give up. Walking home then, my eyes were-

Once again, my eyes were giving out tears for Neil. I grumble in my bed while I listen to Nemo playing his guitar.

DANNI: I feel you, Nemo. I can totally relate.

NEMO: Really? I doubt that. Haha.

DANNI: Can we meet up, Nemo?

NEMO: *typing*

NEMO: *typing*

NEMO: *typing*

DANNI: I'm kidding. Don't take that seriously. I'm sorry. Haha.



Danni went to work like nothing happened. She was just casual with me. Greeting me. Initiating small talk. Just like her usual.

Am I the only one who can't seem to get what happened out of my head?

Tch. I've been fooled and smitten one-sidedly by Danni.
This can't be happening to me again.
I'm an adult now.
I hate this.

My immature nature was starting to take over me as I stood beside her in the counter.

With nobody looking around, I began fiddling my little finger on hers. She looked up to me and pulled her hand off nonchalantly.

I am smitten by you, Danni. I can't let you get away with this. I want to make you go crazier than I am about you!

I wasn't gonna give up just like that so I fiddled my little finger to her fingers again. This time, I was playing it around like guitar strings until I am able to interlock my hands with hers.

Finding NemoWhere stories live. Discover now