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Danni is really so funny and amusing. This the chance of a lifetime. I'd get to tease her forever with this. Let's play around a bit.

NEMO: Hi. I was happy to have read your comment. Do you have any song requests? I'll make a cover for you.

DANNI:  ***typing***

DANNI:  ***typing***

DANNI:  ***typing***

DANNI:  ***typing***

A few moments later...

What the hell? What's taking her so long to reply? Is she typing a novel or something? Jeez.

DANNI: Thank you so much for noticing me! You have no idea how happy this message have made me. I am really one of your biggest fans. I love your videos so much. I also love your ideas. Every intro statements you make. I am so honored. I love you, Nemo.

She loves me? Really?

I laughed out loud in my chair as I read this. This is too fun. I think my eyes are tearing up from bursting out my uncontrollable giggles.

NEMO: I'm glad you liked my videos. Do you have any favorite songs you want me to make?

DANNI: FR??? I'm a bit shy but I have this song that I have always loved. Do you know "Bubbly by Colbie Caillat"?

I suddenly remembered something from our elementary days.

Why did she have to request that song?


When we were almost graduating elementary...

"Our batch valedictorian is Neil. Congratulate him, class." our homeroom teacher announces. And everyone was clapping and cheering for me.

I couldn't believe I'd be valedictorian. I wasn't doing much, to be honest. I'm not bragging. I swear. It was the easiest studying periods of my entire life. I barely need to review at home.

Danni only got an honorable mention. I was surprised though. Considering that her parents were even having her take advanced summer classes.

All except Danni seemed happy for the announcement. Her expression and silence annoyed me. So I decided to tease her again.

"Why do you look so jealous? Won't you congratulate me?" I told her while holding my most mischievous face.

"I'm not jealous, okay?" she dismissed and pouted.

"Then what's wrong? Is your mom going to beat you with a broomstick?" I teased while mimicking a spanking movement to my buttocks. Corporal punishment from parents was a bit normal during our younger years. Especially as an asian. People are much less sensitive about it before, unlike now. Parents call it tough love.

To my surprise, she looked back at me all nervous and scared. Her teary eyes screams "Yes. I'll get smacked. Help me."

I covered my mouth in awe and sat beside her. I can empathize because my mom also pinches and hits me when I cause trouble.

Danni laid her head on our table and covered her face in frustration.

I think my body moved on it's own because the next thing I knew, my hand was about to reach out to her head so I could pat it for comfort.

But she suddenly lifted her head up and spoke, "I hate studying. I wish I could just play music forever."

"You play instruments? Why didn't you join the music club?" getting curious, I asked.

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