Zea 22

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"Tadi apa anjir" Kesal zea.

"Iya iya, jadi gini..."

Flashback on
"Ayo ikut gue bentar" Ajak alvino.

"Mau kemana udah malem gini?" Tanya abel heran.

"Udah lah ayo" Ajak alvino sembari menarik abel untuk menuju ke suatu tempat.

"Kita ngapain disini?" Tanya abel yang bingung dengan desain cafe yang terkesan romantis.

"Terus cafe nya kok sepi gini?" Tanyanya lagi.

"Duduk dulu aja" Ucap alvino lalu mengajak abel untuk duduk dibangkunya.

"Gue mau persembahin lagu buat lo" Ucap alvino lalu melangkah menuju panggung kecil yang ada didalam cafe dan mulai memetik gitar nya dan tentu diiringi oleh piano.

Kok gue deg deg gini ya batin Abel

You came out the blue on a rainy night, no lie

I'll tell you how I almost died

While you're bringing me back to life

I just wanna live in this moment forever

'Cause I'm afraid that living couldn't get any better

Started giving up on the word "forever"

Until you gave up heaven so we could be together

You're my angel

Angel baby, angel

You're my angel, baby

Baby, you're my angel

Angel baby

I fall in love with the little things

Counting the tattoos on your skin

Tell me a secret, and baby, I'll keep it

And maybe we could play house for the weekend

You came out the blue on a rainy night, no lie

I'll tell you how I almost died

While you're bringing me back to life

I just wanna live in this moment forever

'Cause I'm afraid that living couldn't get any better

Started giving up on the word "forever"

Until you gave up heaven so we could be together

ZEAREI [PERJODOHAN]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang