Its Over

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I felt Jake pull me off Ashley's bed and I tried to fight but he talked to me softly. "Everythings going to be okay Andy, trust me I am here for you." I found breathing alot more easier at that point and he picked me up. "Where you going?" I heard Jinxx ask. "Home." We headed back to Jakes place and he laid me in the bed.


"Andy? You haven't eaten. You have been here for a week and you haven't eaten." "I'm not hungry." "Andy please." "I'm not hungry!" I screamed. He tried to get me up but I haven't left this bed in two weeks and nor will I ever. "Atleast drink some water." I shook my head and started to cry. Why Ash? Why did he have to crash, out of all the cars in the world. "Andy if he wakes up he won't like this." "I don't care." I cried out.

Saviour? (Andley)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ