Fighting Away Your Hurt

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I held him close and felt my heart ache at every sob he let out. He was tired.

He eventually fell asleep in my arms and I didn't loosen my grip. I loved him yet I never noticed all this pain he had bundled inside. Next thing I knew I was asleep with him.

I woke up the next morning and Andy was still asleep in my arms. I tightened my grip a little bit and closed my eyes.

After about 5 minutes he shifted and slowly opened his eyes. I was looking straight into his lifeless dull eyes, they weren't even blue anymore. "Andy?" I said it as if he were a rabbit I was trying not to scare. "I love you Andy." After a moment he repeated. I fixed the blanket as he fell back asleep and closed my eyes.

I decided to do something I thought would work better. I wanted to move all Andys stuff here and he could live with me.

I slowly got out of bed and stepped onto the balcony before calling the gies. They agreed to pack all his stuff and bring it over. He didn't have much, he had clothes and some plastic cups and plates for food, with barely any food that they decided to keep for themselves. They also brought over his comforter and other small things too. But one thing they gave me was a black box. It had 3 razors inside and I quickly threw it away before making Andys room. I didn't want him to have a room though, I wanted him to sleep in my bed with me. I didn't want him out of my sight.

It took a hour but I had everything put away and I had already checked out of Andy's apartment. Andy was still asleep so I decided to cook myself some food. It was 11 so I made lunch.

After eating it was 11:30 so I decided to tell Andy what I did. Hopefully he doesn't mind. I shook his shoulder gently and he woke up. He looked around before looking at me. "Andy--" "Can I go home now?" "Andy listen,I gave away your apartment," "What?" His voice was hoarse. "You're going to live with me so I can keep an eye on you and because I love you." "But you said I could go home." "You are home Andy." He looked away but something quickly popped in his head. "You got everything?" "Yes." "Wheres my box?" I quickly remembered the box with the razors and sighed. "An--" "I won't cut. I swear I won't. Just please let me keep it." I sighed and looked at him. "I get to check every week, twice." He nodded at me and followed as I walked into the kitchen. I reached in the garbage and grabbed the box before handing it to him. But right before he touched it I pulled it back. "Not even a mark Andy. " He nodded vigorously and I put it in his hand. "You also can't hide it unless I know where it is." He headed off to the bedroom and put it under his bed. After that I told him to change, it took him 10 minutes but finally he was changed. "Do you want to go see the gies Andy?" I saw him shake his head and I sighed. "Watch T.v?" He once again declined. "What do you want to do Andy?" He walked into the bedroom and I waited on the couch, after about 15 minutes I was nervous and walked in, he was asleep in his bed. Hes going to need alot of help but I will be here for him forever and always.

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