Ashley's Death

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We basically did that everyday for the next two weeks. But sadly I was the right one and we were sitting in Ashley's room waiting for the doctor to come in and pull the plug. I was under his blanket holding him tightly because I was in the room those two weeks straight and haven't seen him. I also haven't eaten or drank and Jake has convinced the hospital to put an IV in my arm to give me the things I need.

Everyone was silent and looking down but looked up as soon as the door opened. I gripped Ashley harder refusing to let him go. "Sir.. its time." "Andy you have to move." I heard Jinxx and was pissed he said that. "No." I felt an arm on me and didn't care who it was and pushed it away. "No!" The doctor told them that if she had to she would sedate me but the gies objected, thankfully. I was NOT going to be asleep when Ashley died. The thought made me cry and I put my face in Ashleys hair, facing away. The nurse walked closer. "Get the fuck out! Out!" I screamed and the gies were shocked at my voice. Even Sammi. "Dont come near us!" "Andy please, its hard for all of us." "Leave us alone.." My voice went down and I broke into sobs, fighting away the nurses arm on my shoulder. "Leave us alone...Don't kill My Ashley.." "I'm not killing him, hes already dead." I went wide-eyed and looked up a her. Then I shook my head vigorously. "N-no hes not... hes not! His chest is moving! Hes not dead!" I saw CC coming towards me. "Hes not breathing Andy, the machine is pumping his heart for him, thats why pulling the plug will end his life. Because the machine controls it." I couldn't put everything together. "I-it doesn't make sense..." I whispered. I looked at his chest and saw it moving. "The only reason his heart is beating is because of that machine." I looked at the machine and back at CC. Then I realized it, she was unplugging the only thing that kept his heart pumping. "But if we keep it longer then he'll wake up.." "No he won't." "Yes! Yes he will!" "Andy he won't." I saw everyone crying and realized CC was probably right. "But why would she want to end his life..?" "Its her job." "Her job is to kill people?" "Hes not alive anymore Andy so shes not killing him." "Yes she is... shes killing him..." I heard CC sigh.


I really don't think Andy got the point of life-support. He didn't understand the situation, all he knew was Ashley is going to die. "Andy just please get off the bed." "N-no." "Please.." "No.. she can murder him with me here." "You can't be on the bed because she has to take out the tube in his throat." Andy started to tear up again and my heart was shattering. "P-please CC, I'll do anything. Don't unplug him... please."He turned to the nurse. "P-please.. i'll give you anything. I'll give you all my money, all my things, I'll give you anything you want." The nurse wiped away a tear and shook her head. I took this time to grab Andy. "No! Ashley! Ashley wake up! CC let me go! Ashley please don't die! Wake the fuck up! Wake the fuck up! Let me go! Ashley! Please! Please CC!" I sat down on the chair and held Andy bridal style in my lap. I put his head on my shoulder and cried along with him. "Ashley..." He sobbed and sobbed and as the nurse started taking out the tubes I had to force Andy not to look. He was trembling like he was cold. "A-Ashley...." I heard a whimper on the other side of the room and turned to see Jinxx holding a weeping Sammi

Saviour? (Andley)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat