Henry started making happy noises, perhaps picking up on the way his parents were feeling.

"Yes, my baby boy, mommy and daddy know where they are getting married," Erin said, bouncing him up and down on her lap, something that he always enjoyed.

"What's up, mom?" Clem asked when she walked into the room. She was at an age where being called out of her room annoyed her for no obvious reason. Jay could remember feeling exactly the same way himself.

Henry looked at his sister and pointed one of his little fingers at her. "Cem!" he cried excitedly.

The suddenness of the him speaking his first word surprised them all so much that they all just stared at him for a couple of seconds.

"He just said Clem! Or tried to," Clementine cried.

"Yes, he did!" Jay exclaimed. "Henry, that's great, buddy. Can you say it again?"

"Say it again. Say Clem," Erin encouraged him.

Now Henry seemed to think it was a game, laughing and giggling at them. "Cem! Cem!" he yelled.

"Aww. Cem Cem. He gave you a nickname, Clem," Jay said.

"I love it! Can I hold him?"

"Sure. Sit with him on the other couch," Erin said. Suddenly, talking about the wedding venue didn't seem important at all.

Clementine carefully took Henry from Erin and carried him over to the other couch. For the next few minutes, Jay sat and watched his kids bonding with each other. Clementine kept encouraging him to say Cem, and Henry obliged more often than not. He seemed to like saying it in doubles, so the nickname Cem Cem was definitely going to stick.


Later, after the kids had been put to bed, Jay and Erin had watched the latest episode of a TV thriller series they liked. When it finished, Erin announced that she was going to clean up in the kitchen before bed. She had given Kayla the rest of the night off after dinner. The night off had been greatly received, with Kayla saying she was overdue a Netflix binge as she had promptly hurried off to her room.

Erin had been in the kitchen for a couple of minutes when Jay decided to go and join her. He wanted to talk to her about making plans to go see Hank about the wedding, and besides that he felt horny, knowing full well that while she was cleaning the kitchen she would be wearing rubber gloves. Where there were rubber gloves, there were incredible hand jobs to be had. The fact that they had discovered that almost by accident was amusing, but he was sure glad they had. It had become a major thing in their sex lives now.

"Hey," was all he said when he walked into the kitchen. Sure enough, he found Erin wearing the pink rubber gloves which were the current ones Kayla kept in the kitchen for washing dishes and cleaning up. Erin was in the process of cleaning the cooker's hob.

"Hey. I thought you'd come in," she said, using an overly-innocent tone that told him she knew exactly why he was there.

"You did? Why?"

"Because you knew I'd be wearing these gloves. And you'd probably already spotted that Kayla bought new ones the other day, and I've never worn these before. I bet you want to know what they'd feel like with my hands around your dick."

"Damn, I love it when you use that sexy voice of yours to talk dirty. You're good at it, too."

"Really? Then it's a surprise how you're so quick to tape my mouth up all the time," she said, still cleaning.

Jay moved across the kitchen and stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He stood close, so that she could feel his hard length pressed against her ass. "All the time, huh? Now there's an idea."

"There's going to be no taping tonight," she assured him.

"I can live with that, so long as there's a hand job."

Erin wriggled her way out of his grasp and went over to the sink, where she ran some water and used it to wash the suds off her gloves. With that done, she walked towards him, obviously intent on putting at least one hand down the front of his pants. But right then they heard Kayla's footsteps running down the stairs.

"Shit," Erin gasped. Thinking quickly, she put her arms around his neck instead and started kissing him.

Only seconds later, Kayla rushed into the kitchen. "Hey. Oh, damn, sorry. I came down to get a Coke," she said, going over to the refrigerator.

"Night, Kayla," Jay said in between Erin's kisses.

"Yeah, night," Kayla said. She hurried back out with her drink, and ran back up the stairs. As soon as she was gone, Erin stopped kissing Jay.

"Damn, that was close. Kayla nearly found out why a couple of pairs of her gloves went missing," Jay said with amusement.

"Shut up," Erin said, unbuttoning his jeans. "I've going to suck your dick right here and now."

Jay gasped in excitement. Erin wasn't usually so uninhibited. He liked it a lot, obviously.

Within moments, Erin had his jeans and boxers pulled down. She wasted no time in kneeling on the floor and going to work with her mouth and tongue, at the same time working her hands on his shaft with the wet gloves. For Jay it was one of the most intense sexual experiences he'd had with her, not least because of the setting and the circumstances. It didn't take him long to climax, and Erin even swallowed it.

"I've been thinking about doing that for some time," she admitted when it was over.

"You filthy bitch," Jay said, breathing heavily.

"Hey! That's no way to talk to your future wife," Erin teased him, with a sultry smile on her face.


A/N: Erin and Jay have wedding plans, and Henry said his first (almost) word!

We're approaching the end of this story, which we're going to end with the two weddings. I want to thank everyone who has supported this story for nearly two years. Indeed, it was you guys who flat out refused to let me end it a couple of times. This time though, it will be the end.

However, I do have an idea for a short prologue book that would be set ten years in the future, if you guys are interested in that? I'll make a decision on it based on your feedback, so don't be shy in letting me know if you want it or not.

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