*Chapter 24 (Epilogue)*

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The hall room got filled with chaos of loud claps and cheers from the public, guests and the participants as the Book Awards by Basu Publication was being held at the moment with a view to award some of the real talents or authors of International books taking place in London.

On the 4th row, sat Susheela and Pramod together beside each other.

They both came to London after having their marriage done and getting accepted by the society within a month. Pramod was not supposed to yet came with Susheela who was eager to attend the book awards ceremony for some reasons.

What could it be? Probably, just because she loves books?

Soon a louder clap was heard all across the room as the publication CEO Mr. Anurag Basu himself stood on the microphone to speak.

"Today, I'm really glad to be able to give a place to the talented writers under my publication and project. It's an honour, thank you for writing with us, for people!"

Everyone clapped at him but Pramod clapped at a certain someone beside him. His gaze was fixed at her glowing happy face.

"So now I'll be announcing the books that have been decided to be awarded this year. The authors, please come and grab what your hard work paid you off!"

One by one the CEO kept calling the most well written books of the year as an indication to call the writers on the stage.

"And then, 'Frozen Heart'!"

Pramod flinched a bit hearing the book title because he surely had read it online, but his mind literally got crashed when he found Susheela walking by him towards the stage with full excitement.

He did not stop her yet muttered to himself, "Has she gone... insane?"

His eyes and full concentration followed every step of her just to make sure she did not spoil anything because till then the reason of her walking away like that was unknown to him.

Pramod was left wide eyed and surprised from head to toe when he saw Susheela receiving the award for the said book. Even more, when she stood near the mic.

"Everyone, it's a pleasure to be able to participate with my books in Basu Publication, such a renowned publication that really helped me improve my writing skills and many more. Special thanks to Mr. Basu for supporting me, also my family members for making sure I never moved to the wrong path. Thank you so much."

After waving at the crowd, Susheela walked down the aisle while winking at a flabbergasted Pramod once.

The ceremony just finished after some more writers quickly received their awards and all the people headed outside the publication building.

"You- you were the one writing... Frozen Heart? And the other books? Seriously?"

"Even I never knew you were my reader until one day I recognized you through your account." They innocently laughed at each other but Pramod still could not believe.

"Ms. Ruhail... I thought it'd be someone else but you! Unbelievable!"

Susheela just proudly laughed folding her hands near chest.

"Then why didn't you disclose the fact?"

"What's the fun in disclosing, Dr. Pramod?"

Pramod looked down and up again inhaling deeply, he started clapping.


"You deserved it, my lady. Congratulations!"

Susheela smiled as they both got in their car laughing crazily.

Before Pramod started driving the car, he put his hands on the steering wheel and turned his head towards Susheela.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Mr. Arrogant."



[Edited Book Title, Cover and Description]

Hey guys, thank you so much for all the love and support you all showered on this story. Like any other book of mine, I put a lot of efforts into it even though it might not have come out so good~

Some ideas were taken from different famous novels I read long ago, credits to the proper owner<3

I'm really grateful to you all, finally my last SuMod Book ends!

With Love,

Finished: 8th June, 2022

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