*Chapter 4*

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Check out the previous chapter to know where the story took a break~

[Susheela's POV]

He was my old reader, but honestly I never noticed his profile pic like this. It's kinda different and stylish photo but I shockingly recognized, it was Dr. Pramod.

Means, he has been reading my writings since so long. Neither he knew my real identity, nor I ever did. Though I just got to know, it's still unknown to him.

Thinking a bit, I smiled biting my lower lip and replied to his comment,

"May I know the reason of the light's going out?"

It could make him quite awkward I guess, who cares! Susheela doesn't. After all he is answering writer, Ms. Ruhail; not Susheela.

Before I could click somewhere else, the reply's notification arrived. I opened it to read excitedly.

"Nothing special to know in that I guess, just to say that, sometimes life takes such turns that things become impossible for us to handle though it should be the easiest to solve ever."

Ahh, at such night how even this Dr. Cruel is able to write this critical texts! It went totally over my head, leave it. Let's reply something easy,

"Hope you get to solve whatever issues you're having in life, best wishes <3"

He didn't reply something else then, I wasn't expecting one anyway. Keeping the phone above pillow, I closed my eyes to get distracted from the entire world and drown in sleep. Don't know how Dr. Cruel will sleep in the balcony tonight with gangs of mosquitoes despite being a rich person, such a stubborn guy he is!


[Pramod's POV]

I opened my eyes with a little jerk as I felt someone standing near me. I wanted to get up but first found myself covered with a blanket, I clearly remember I didn't take any over me last night. As soon as my eyes moved a bit, I saw Susheela standing beside my hammock with a cup in her hands. No doubt she looked way too prettier than before to me right then as if I saw an angel early in the morning.

Is her look changed? Or just I'm seeing her differently today? Well, she is staring deep into my eyes.

"Good morning" I said yawning and smiling at her little.

"Morning. Here's your coffee, mom made me bring it here." She replied being expressionless. Of course, nothing so good happened here that she would smile, laugh and all.

"Oh thank you. By the way this blan-" before I could finish, she opened her lips.

"You didn't take it, right? The door was locked, could anyone else enter? No right? So I put it on you at night, simple."

"Wow- so you came to see me at night huh?" I said smirking. Honestly I wanted to see her in an uneasy condition don't know why.

"Yeah I- I was just.. uhm.. I was just not sleepy so came here walking and-"

I was smiling wickedly while mom called both of us downstairs.

"Well leave it, mom is calling and I've to go. Any guest has come if I'm not wrong." She said in a go and went out.

I got up slowly yawning and got freshened up, then came to the hall room.

I got happy and cheered much seeing my best friend standing in front of me. Madhav, we've studied and always been staying together. We even visited Susheela's city together a lot of time, just last time he couldn't accompany me and the incident of marriage took place.

He came near me and smiled wide, "how are you Pramod?" Soon I was caged inside his arms.

I regretted not informing him about whatever happened in these few days and how my life changed while hugging him tightly, he is my well wisher!

"Just alright buddy." I smiled at him back.

"What's wrong buddy? Why do you sound so faint?" He asked me curiously frowning.

"Uhm, Madhav, my life has changed a lot recently and-" I stopped just when I felt Madhav's hand on my shoulder suddenly.

He smiled softly pressing both his lips and said in a low voice, "I know Pramod, I know. Aunty told me everything, don't know why you hid it from me but, it's- it's fine! Life is always difficult, you know right? You'll be able to manage it all, I'm sure!"

I felt melted at his words and tears almost filled my eyes. I hugged him tightly while he did the same rubbing my back to console.

"Okay okay, now stop it. Well I know you married, so why are you sad? Just because parents are not happy? Uff guy grow up! You had a love marriage and if you're happy, all are happy! Just they're not expressing, okay?" He said making me go blank for a moment.

What is he even saying? I understood it all noticing mom winking at me showing some signs behind him. That means, Madhav doesn't know the exact truth! Mom told him a lie just about my having a love marriage with Susheela!

I was somehow astonished but later controlled me, leave it. If the fact is unknown to him, let it be. I don't want to spoil whatever mom's plan is.

"Ahm yes you're right.." I couldn't even say something more as that was all I got to say.

"So, won't you make me meet your love, dude?" Madhav asked me smirking and poking my shoulder with his.

"Oh, you haven't met her yet? Let me call her, Sush- oh, there she is.. already arrived!" I was just going to call Susheela but stopped when I saw her coming out from the kitchen.

She came with a tray full of food-snacks and tea. Keeping it on the small table in front of Madhav, she stood beside me but a little far, I know she is not that comfortable around me.

"So, let me introduce. Madhav, this is Susheela, my wi..fe?" I looked at Susheela uneasily and she raised her eyebrows.

I broke the eye contact and looked at my friend again; then continued, "Yes she is Susheela, my wife and Susheela, this is Madhav, Dr. Madhav. My best friend, he visited your city too, remember?"

Susheela slightly nodded with a slight and sweet smile on her face with a greeting attitude.

Meanwhile the shocking thing was, Madhav went to a trance somehow seeing Susheela and a huge shock stroke his mind. His smile turned faint in nano second.


That's all lovelies! Pheww I'm tired~

Can you guess any reason for the last para? ;)

{Next part: Coffee together (trust me it's going to be a sweet one)}

See you soon!

(Not revised, pardon if there's any mistake, please)

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