*Chapter 6*

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"Is it necessary to leave today, dad?"

Susheela asked her father with eyes full of tears. He is lying on the bed and Susheela is sitting beside him on a chair having his hands on her.

"I can't stay for a day more even if I want, hmm? Don't worry my dear, remember, your dad is always with you whether physically or not." Dharampal said caressing her cheek.

She is in this room since morning, today Dharampal is returning to Rohtak but alone, not with Susheela.

Meanwhile Pramod entered the room knocking 2 times.

"Dad, I've arranged the car and facilities for you. The driver will drop you safely at your home, no worries." He said smiling.

Changing the sight, he looked at Susheela and asked, "Susheela you served him tea?"

"Hm, just did." Susheela replied.

"Good, bring him downstairs, please." Pramod left telling it and Susheela started doing according to the instructions.

Dharampal finally left for Rohtak completing his current tests and treatments though he is not that well yet. Susheela found herself alone in the worst way ever as it never feels like home inside these walls, it feels like a cage. Only a cage.


Days and weeks have been passing. The distance between Susheela and Pramod have increased much by now without decreasing.

Pramod leaves early in the morning, spends whole day in the hospital and returns at night mostly when Susheela is asleep. They don't even talk over phone, somehow the relations are only puzzling.

It was a common night like the others. Pramod arrived from the hospital and entered the room. He takes risk now by not turning the lights on so that Susheela doesn't get disturbed while sleeping.
Without making a noise he crossed the room and went to the balcony.

[Susheela's POV]

It was the dawn after a few hours. My eyes got opened on their own and I got up from my lying position.

At first my sight landed on the blank bed, no one sleeps here now in the arguments of sleeping single.

I rubbed my sleepy eyes yawning and tried to see the time in my phone. It's 4.

I already knew that it wouldn't be possible for me to have a sleep again, I'm bad at sleeping since my birth perhaps.

Getting freshened up, my mind sent me signals to do something. It was still dark all around and no one yet woke up, so I slowly opened to balcony's door to check the condition of Dr. Pramod.

It was something I didn't expect, he was awake and reading books sitting on a chair. I knew that he was undoubtedly a studious person, and that's the reason he is a doctor now for. But I never thought him to be this much, who would read even at night or dawn.

I came back to my room and smiled.

[Pramod's POV]

While reading, it's my habit that I can't concentrate on anything else. And today literally impossible because of this jaw dropping book of Sherlock Holmes, one of my most favourite writings on him ever! Just a little more, then-

It was not less than a shock for me when someone stretched a hand with a cup towards me. It was a bit dark so I was wondering who it could be for a while. I could smell the perfect sweet aroma of coffee around me, maybe from that cup!

I looked up and saw it was Susheela. She smiled naively and handed me the cup while holding her own one in another hand.

I put the book on the table and gave her a chair to sit on. She even sat comfortably looking in her cup and puffing inside.

I took the cup near my face, needless to say that I wanted to feel the fascinating coffee aroma again. She makes coffee really well!

It was all going on silently with no words, no speaking, no listening. Two people sitting together side by side and sipping from the coffee cups, not a bad environment! But isn't it quite awkward?

Better I started the conversation a bit formally.

"Hmm you made the coffee?" I knew the answer but it was all I found to start the talks.

"Do you think I ordered Priya to make coffee right now waking her up and brought it here?" She replied.

"Uhm, no- uh.. I mean, hhehe, you must have made it? It's really nice. Loving it." I giggled.

She instantly side eyed me and shyly said, "Thank you."

"If you don't mind, may I ask why you're here so early and, umm.. the reason of the drinks?" I slowly asked.

"Just felt like having coffee with you, rest I don't know."

"Oh well, I love coffee a lot. Especially while reading, it was needed. Thanks to you."

She blushed at my comments and then opened her lips.

"You're a book worm, ain't you?"

"Haha yes, maybe." I replied.

"What were you reading?" She curiously asked.

" 'The Sign of the Four', read it?" I replied.

"Ohh wow, yes I read that last year. Super interesting, no?" She threw her answer getting excited, excitement seems pretty on her.

"Last year? Wow! Susheela, you're a book lover too I'm sure!"

"Uhm, don't know." She smiled and hid her blush though it was a bad try.

I laughed silently at her reply and stopped while the girl beside me wanted to ask something.

"So, when are you reading it from?" She asked looking deep into my eyes.

"Uhm, started at 2 I guess.. it's been 2 hours, just a bit more left.." I replied looking at the book.

"What? Didn't you come near 1 at night? And reading a book since 2? You didn't sleep and.. just how?" She was left wide eyed as I laughed again.

"Nothing much Susheela, I used to stay mostly awake at night during medical studies so got habituated in that, now I spend most of the nights reading books and novels only.. And I can't even read them during day time for hospital businesses, so yeah.. I'm a night owl and can pass days just having sleep for 2 or 3 hours all together, that's enough."

"Are you really alive? Why don't you fall sick? Ahh my-" she was wondering everything like a child while I was admiring her, she is not less than an angel going through tough times in the world.

"So, how much time should I spend sleeping according to you, Ms. Susheela Chautala?" I asked her playfully but she looked at me straight losing her smile when I said 'Chautala'.

She stared into my eyes for a moment then looked at her coffee. I didn't miss hearing her mumble, "I don't know." Even she didn't miss to smile.

"What? Why do you keep saying I don't know to everything? Eww, doesn't that sound weird?" I replied.

"EwW, DoEsn'T tHat SoUnD WeiRD?" She said imitating me. "That's a technique doctor Pramod Chautala, to ignore questions I don't want to answer. Got it?"

I smirked at her innocence and this time replied, "I don't know."

I loved annoying her undoubtedly and started laughing hard.

"You- I'm going." She got up and went to the room though I tried to stop her in between my laugh, "Ah- Susheela- stohhpp.." and laughing continued for a minute or two.

Her innocence is her crown which took my heart when I noticed her hiding laughter in the cutest way.


Long Chapter, I'm sooo tired~~~

How was it by the way?

Let me tell you already, this book is not going to be a easy and simple one. It'll be full of suspense, shocks and of course, hundreds of twists and turns~

That's all, love you guys<3

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