*Chapter 20*

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It was an early morning of winter when Susheela was busy with preparing breakfast in her shared kitchen with her childhood friend, Garima.

On usual days they work together but the said day was different as the latter had an important interview to take and she was stressed enough since dawn getting ready with formal appearance as well as official materials.

All of a sudden Susheela heard her name being called from the living room.

"Susheela, here's a call for you!"


Garima held the landline phone near her ear as her both hands were coated with flour coming out of the kitchen.

She shook her head smiling looking at Susheela's messed up hands letting out, "This dummy..."

Susheela over phone:

Yes, it's Susheela.

Ahh yeah I would send you the emails to use just in case of emergency, would that be alright?

Please do inform sir that I'm really satisfied with his proposal.

Yeah, okay

Alright, thank you so much! Have a nice day!

The call was cut as soon as Garima put the phone down getting indication from the other.

"Who was it?"

"Called from the publication, they wanted to arrange a ceremony on behalf of Mr. Basu! It'll take time though, I don't want to rush anything.. What if.."

Garima put her hands on her shoulder to assure her sighing, "Everything would be alright silly, don't be so worried!"

They smiled at each other before getting back to their respective tasks.

That is how the two lived happily with each other. They fought at times, argued over stupid issues, shared happiness and sorrows, stayed beside each other to support like sisters.

It had been two years since Susheela left Dr. Pramod and his family because of the damn past she never got to know and left India because of her nearest people who always kept her in the dark.

No, she never lost the touch. Pramod's sister, Priya often called her trying to distract her mind and pleaded to make her go back to India.
Susheela never actually understood herself what she wanted.

Over all these months, she has not heard from Dr. Pramod in a while. She wanted to talk to him too, call him and let all her anger out, hear a few taunts from him, get disturbed by him, she wanted to be near him again.

But she did not.

It was her damn regret of the last night she said so many things to him that never let her try to talk to him or more like embarrassment, not her ego.

However, another call from the same telephone got both of the girls' attentions.

This time Susheela came forward to pick the call.


Within a few silent moments, she was stunned. Words could not slip out of her lips. Garima looked at her peeking from a little distance standing at the other side of the room.

Susheela heard some things that were inaudible to Garima who frowned seeing her face dropping and changing expressions so quickly trying to understand the situation.

Nearly 2 minutes later, Susheela cut the call without saying anything getting tears gathered in her eyes.

Garima came closer and lifted her chin up. "What did- are you crying??"

Susheela covered her mouth with her palm trying to hold back a loud scream and cry. Soon she hugged tightly by the other who tried to calm her down until her heavy breath got stable.

"Tell me, Susheela tell me what happened?? What happened?"

"I.. need to go, Garima.. I have to go!"



She burst into tears again, this time uncontrollably.

Garima made her sit on the couch beside and she sat too holding her hands.

"Okay you will but tell me what happened first-"

"It was Dr. Pramod, I never thought I'd hear him after years like this! Mom- she is admitted in a hospital, she got a heart attack with high asthma and doctor said she is not in a good condition!"

"Oh my, that's horrible! So are you planning to-"

"Yeah." Susheela wiped her own tears getting herself together. "I have to. Mom took care of me on the first day like my own mother which I at least never expected after getting into their family without their permission as daughter-in-law. He said that she wanted to see me before something happens.. Life is short, Garima I SHOULD BE THERE AT THE MOMENT FOR HER!"

Garima once again wrapped her arms around her, "Shsh, okay okay calm down. Relax, you really should. Just go Susheela."

"Wait but do I even have-"

"Yes, good that I renewed both our passports and visas last week only, I won't be going because of the current interviews and tests but I'll drop you off to the airport. Come on."

Susheela smiled through the pain at her and quickly went to pack her bags.

She was being taken back to where she belonged.


Double update 'cause I love you all<3

Breathless | ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن