*Chapter 19*

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"Are you seriously out of your mind or what! What do you mean by she left? At least you must be knowing where she went!"

A soft sigh left Pramod's lips as his heart clenched at the intense feeling of losing someone special. He stared blankly at the view of busy road through his hospital cabin's window while sharing thoughts with Madhav, just the next day the hot event at home took place.

"I really don't. I have no idea."

Madhav was raging, he always had had temper issues therefore Pramod never interrupted his talks. To the very least, he was sober to his best friend.

"Okay, now I'm not leaving until you tell me the whole story of your house with Susheela. Tell me, Pramod!"

"Almost fifteen years ago, Susheela was probably a child back then. My parents used to have business deals with the people of Rohtak, especially with Susheela's family.

Their neighbours also were kinda involved, every time they got some good business offers, they accepted.

Slowly, my parents started to get disappointed in having dealings with the Ruhails, so they wanted to sneak out and connect with broader business range. Which of course, Mr. Dharampal and his friends-family members did not find decent.

I would not hesitate to say, mom and dad did wrong. It was not necessary to deceive someone in business. They never pondered how far it could go, and here are the results.

Later on after completing my medical studies, destiny somehow appointed me to serve Susheela's father. And we had an encounter after years.

Unfortunately, I knew nothing.

And they locals ended up forcefully uniting Susheela with me.
It was not just because of some sick stereotypes Madhav, they were well aware of what they were doing; just to use us as a way to reach my parents and their business."

Madhav huffed hearing all that Pramod explained. "So the marriage was planned?"

"No, they just thought of it quickly finding us together that night. It worked as a perfect excuse."

"How do you know all this?"

"Last evening after Susheela left, I begged mom to tell me."

Madhav felt his heart break into pieces as he heard her leaving. It was disastrous.

"What's with your stern face? You must have at least developed a little bit of feelings for someone who's been staying with you for months and now left? How are you not at all sentimental and so normal?"

Only if he knew his condition at the moment.

"Sometimes emotions stop working. Same with me."

"You're... ridiculous! Do whatever you want, I'm going to search for her!"

Just when Madhav was about to get out of the cabin, Pramod stopped him.

"No- Madhav. Please. You won't go anywhere."

"Ex...cuse me?"

"Let her go."

"What did you just say?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I said, let her go. I never meant to keep her trapped. Let her live, the way she wants to."

Memories from last evening came across Pramod's ears and he heard the painful words again from her.

"Please let me get out of this trap, I've been breathless."

His thoughts were interrupted by the person standing there seriously.

"W-what? Wow, great. So keep yourself calm Dr. Chautala, I'm going and that's it! I can't live without-"

The last words got stuck in his throat. He could not complete.

"What did you just say?" Pramod raised his eyebrows. (Dejá vu lol)

He started looking around and the room got filled with uncomfortable vibes.

"Pramod... I.. actually.. It's.."

"Do you.. have? Feelings.. for?" His heart suddenly started beating faster, it was more awkward than anything else. He looked into his friend's eyes through his own teary ones slowly tilting his head.

"I can't help this feelings pal.. I tried to hide a lot but.." He sighed.

Both were too dipped in thoughts to say something. To avoid anymore arguments, Madhav left without saying a word.

It took a few seconds before Pramod crouched down as if he had been devastated, and sat on his knees lowering his head.

Two drops of tears dropped on the floor respectively from his left and right eye.

The silent room soon heard a few not too loud sobs and sniffs from the man sitting in the middle with no one else around.

He muttered to himself in between his heart breaking sobs,

"I don't really want to let you go.."


» Where do you think this story is going? Sad ending or happy ending? :)

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