Chapter 12 ~ Sage

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Standing in front of my closet, I debated what to wear on my date tonight. I looked down at the jean shorts and soft green tank top I was wearing and kind of wished I was just staying in tonight. There were a couple of new shows on Netflix I wanted to watch, but I'd promised my friends I'd give dating a try, mostly because they kept nagging at me until I caved. 

This was my second date in the last week, and I didn't have high hopes for it -- mainly because men did not hold much appeal for me right now. Not as much appeal as, say, watching Netflix on my couch while scarfing down chocolate ice cream slathered in hot fudge. I wasn't one of those girls that could jump to a new man while still dealing with feelings for the old one. Although I admired girls that could do exactly that, it just never seemed fair to me to try to use a man as a stepping stone to getting over another man. Maybe my date tonight would be so fascinating and wonderful I wouldn't be able to resist his charms. Yeah. I'd keep holding my breath.


I heard my name shouted just as the banging on my door began. I knew that voice, so I knew the most beautiful man in the world stood outside, and my heart cracked and shattered again. He's with Eva, they're having a baby, he's a liar, he's a cheater, I chanted to myself so I wouldn't fall under his spell.

"Sage, can we talk for a minute?" he asked as soon as I opened the door. He seemed out of breath, as if he'd run here.

"It's not really a good time. I'm...getting ready for a date, Mason."

Something passed over his face that I couldn't quite read. It was more than regret, maybe sadness with possibly a flash of jealousy. But there was more to it. Resignation? 

"Do you know this guy? Is he safe? Are you meeting him somewhere safe? Does someone know where you're going, what time you're expected back?"

Now that was so typical of him, worrying about my safety. When we were together, he'd always looked out for me. But now I refused to let myself feel that familiar sense of warmth his concern always wrapped me in.

"What did you need?" I tried to keep my tone businesslike so I wouldn't throw myself into his arms. Why did I have to miss him so damn much? He's with Eva, they're having a baby, he's a liar, he's a cheater.

"Can I come in, please? This won't take long, and I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

I nodded, stepping back to allow him inside.

He looked around, still seeming out of breath, so I walked to the kitchen, where I offered him some water. He was about to say yes when he spied the gender reveal invitation and snatched it off the refrigerator.

"That fucking bitch," he muttered. He looked up at me sharply and, holding the offending cardstock by the corner, brandished the reminder of his infidelity at me.

"This is a lie. There was no gender reveal, she was not living with me, ever, and I don't know who photoshopped my head on someone else's body, but that sure as fuck isn't me and I sure as fuck never posed with her for this picture."

My eyes were wide at the pure rage streaming from this man. Then he took a step toward me, his eyes so intent on me I could feel them like a physical touch.

"I came here to let you know that Eva falsified the paternity test results. I'm not the father of her baby. She lied. She lied, Sage. After I left her in the alley after that stupid, fucking kiss, Nate came out to see if she was OK and he's actually the father."

"Oh, my god," I breathed. "Why would she do that?"

"She's crazy," he shrugged, but I could tell he was furious. "Anyway, I just wanted you to know, so maybe it could give you some peace of mind, that I'm not as big of an asshole as you think. I never lied to you. I never fucked her. But I am guilty of kissing her in that alley and for allowing that bitch into our lives by not dealing with her sooner. I'm so sorry for that, Sage. Sorry you were hurt, most of all, in so many ways. I'll regret the fact that I allowed her to hurt you for the rest of my life. We had something beautiful, and in ten seconds, I fucked it all up. That's something I'm going to see every day when I look in the fucking mirror."

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