(Meanwhile Nanon crying like his love got to an ending point a sad ending)

Ohm calling Nanon

No answer

Maybe he is sleeping.

Thinking of him I slept peacefully smiling.

Next day Morning:

As usual I went to Hospital, He came all of a sudden to the hospital in the afternoon we both talking about random stuff he is listening to me like he always does. After sometime he said he will be going to home so I said I will drop him as I got the car today he agreed we reached the parking lot complete silent atmosphere that I can hear our breaths my heart beating like it will come out of my body , I turned on the music from my Spotify and the lyrics....Can I cry now all of a sudden I feel like I should just jump out of the car and run away...

I just can't help be sexual ('ual)
Tell me your schedule (yeah)
I gotta lot new tricks for you
Baby I'm just saying I'm flexible (yeah)

He knows I like to listen to this kind of music but for the first time I felt very much embarrassing cause the song is very much sexual , I just like this song because I like the music in this song tbh, I was listening in my phone while taking rounds and the thing that it was Spotify recommendation, I just stopped the song in the middle to talk with Drake and this is playing from the middle now I just wanna bang myself against the window. And the thing I am very much embarrassed to turn it off what he is thinking? Oh god save me someone come and pause it.

Bite me , chock me....

Nanon : Why don't we change to a good song something I can listen to. (He said while pausing the song)

Ohm(embarrassed) : Okay.

Silence then staring completion, My last thread of sanity broke when he tried to look away licking his lips nervously I grabbed his face , Kissing him very hard with all sounds, making my way to sit on his lap , broke the kiss to breath here comes the sexy face I missed all these days , he grabbed my neck I stopped him throwing my sethescope on my seat ,removed my fucking long white coat then he grabbed my face kissing my lips , pulling me in ,grabbing my hips , grinding arosals against eachother , whispering in ears , soft moans filling the car , hands on eachother, love everything he is doing right now.

Alaram : Ring Ring Ring

I opened my eyes , fucking can't believe that was a fucking dream , I looked down to my pants a big wet tent in my track pants.

"This is no longer good for Me Nanon"

"I can't be this much crazy for you!"

"I'm falling hard for you"

I took a warm shower came out , smiling at my phone watching his picture on my wallpaper as I turned a mode where everytime I turned my phone on there will be new wallpaper popping out from my gallary. I took my phone and choosing the same picture of Nanon as my wallpaper.


When I went down to have my breakfast, same face which I don't want to look is right infront of my face sitting on the dinning table. I took my seat beside Granny. She kissed me on cheek wishing morning greetings. I was silent so that she can start about whatever happened that day and apologize me infront of my whole family but I was wrong I guess.

Father : So, Ohm where have you been hanging out these days?

Ohm : Hmm , Me?  just hospital and Condo.

Father : Ohh Okay! So are you ready for today's Pre-wedding function? Today we will held a grand party as I said Cocktail party call all your friends nears and dears okay?

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