What's love that isn't unrequited ?

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It was a stormy day - he was waiting for his dad ,
When he saw her , walking by , with an umbrella in hand -
He didn't look at her , he was too shy a man ,
But her face stole his heart ! Thus , the story began .

What could he do ? Cupid had shot him a dart !
Loaded him with feelings , and hypnotised his heart !
She wanted a partner , good and fair ,
He proposed her , but Eros didn't like the pair .

The girl rejected him , saying he was not ideal ,
To a useless chap like him , she couldn't be loyal !
But the boy ! He was just a love - struck teen !
Who , with a sad face , threw the candy into the bin .

Depression got him , and he cried in despair !
His heart was broken , his eyes shed a tear ,
He took a blade , and CLACK ! He breathed his last ,
That hand bled , and bled , - oozing out his heart .

That heart slowed down , but didn't forget her ,
The boy whispered in pain , " I love you , dear ! "
God called that heart to heaven - It deserved to be immortal ;
The blind thing was too precious ! It couldn't belong to a mortal .

He said , "O Cupid ! Why do you choose such fragile hearts ?
You aren't blind ! You perfectly target your deadly darts ! "
Cupid smiled , saying , "Boy , you were rightly shot by my dart ,
After all , what is true love , if it doesn't break your heart ? "


["What's true love , if it doesn't break your heart ?"]

The Shades Of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora