When's Love a Sin ?

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Love ! It's said , lovers stay together , travel many a mile ,
And those bereaved have eyes heavy with tears , masked by a smile !
What's maturity ? It's the moment when you realise -
That a sad tear is but an oxymoron in disguise !

Wrong are the people that say , love's a two - sided affair !
As long as you love one more than yourself , it's fine ! It's fair !
But somehow , these people are right - after all love's selfish ;
Those "pure lovers" want love in return - Well , isn't that childish ?

Some say , love is a sin , love's partial , love's unfair ,
Perspective , brother ! It's all that matters in this tiny blue sphere !
If you are truly in love , you won't demand anything back , kin ;
Learn to love , lad , as loving wrongly isn't a mistake , it's a sin . 


[Learning to love - it's a part of growing up . In my opinion , everyone must learn it ... ]

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