Dark Matter vs Accelerator

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As I looked at Kakine I had to think why now?

Of all times he had to be here now

"So was this whole thing a plan by you? Destroying this city and killing its people to find me?"

Kakine: "Oh I couldn't care less for those people, that damn king from falmuth started this and I just so happened to find out you were here. So I used them, they called me an angel and they followed me"

"So you used these idiots to attack this city so you could fight me?"

Kakine: "Sure I did, their king wanted you gone anyway so I played the part of an angel wanting monsters gone and here we are, now I can fight you and show you that I deserve to be first! But this isn't the place now is it?"

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small cube he tossed it down and when it hit the surroundings began to change

Instead of in Tempest we were in a big city, noticing my confusion he decided to tell me

Kakine: "You like it? This is where we should fight. Academy City! At least a good representation, that cube held spatial magic, and it took us into this recreation"

"So we're inside the cube? Guess I'll have to make this quick so I can get back then huh"

He was ready to go, as soon as I made a move he would start, but I know what he's done, what Kakine did against Accelerator, he won't surprise me, his power doesn't follow normal physics but that's fine, I just have to tweak the formula a bit and he'll be done

Jumping onto the side of one of the buildings I broke a piece off it and kicked it at him, with his Dark Matter he flew straight into it, the white from his ability clashing with the dark of mine

Once the small clash ended he came at me, throwing a punch that I blocked with an x formation of my arms, getting sent back slightly I kicked off the building I landed on and threw my own punch, he blocked though I threw another that caught his side, making him crash into the side of a building

'His hit went through the barrier, that's not by me so that's Dark matter at work, though I got a bit of the formula down, just a bit more time and it'll be over'

He came flying out of the building and crashed into me, he started dragging me as he was flying and I was getting dragged through another building, regaining myself I kicked only to have my leg hit his wings, he then threw me into the building when he was done

Kakine: "Come on first! Make this interesting!"

Getting out of the building I brought out my wings and flew up in front of him

"You say that like I'm hurt but look at me, a couple scratches but you? Your breathing faster, you're already loosing stamina, and you thought you could beat me? It's funny, but not only that. It's over now"

Kakine: "Over? Over?! It ain't over till you're down on the ground!"

He flew at me with a punch ready but instead of hitting his wrist snapped back and he was launched away

I heard his agony but his wings went up towards the sun and I just flew to side grinning a bit

"I already know that trick, that won't work on me"

Though surprisingly instead of the sunlight being intensified his wings had rather gathered the energy and a beam shot at me

I dodged but when it hit a building it had completely tore through it and some others behind it, though I saw when it hit the last one the area had cracked, like glass, which I knew had to be this space entirely

He fired another beam at me but I flew towards it, extending my hand and then bringing my hand back and throwing it back at him

It hit and he groaned in pain while it didn't do much I didn't need it to

I closed the distance and my hand had reached his face, I then dragged him through the side of a building until we reached another, and another, then rocketing down, we crashed onto a street and created a crater, with my hand still over his face he was glaring though he was in pain that he couldn't express due to my hand, though his eyes turned fearful as he just realized what I could do

"You tried you know? You really did, but it doesn't matter, because in any case, you'll always be second, I'm in first for a reason"

Then using my ability I had started to shock him, very painfully though it was just for fun, he didn't have to go through this pain but I wanted him to, after a few seconds I had gotten ahold of his cells

With a thought and some force he popped, his cells and organs bursting from the inside, tearing his body apart, blood sprayed but I was still clean

'Bit unceremonious that's how it ends but it's fine, he died in the end anyway'

I was still here so the magic was completely inside the cube so I had the fix

I flew high, as high as I could then brought my hands up, simultaneously I created wind, a lot of wind, this had to be big

The wind all gathered above my hands, forming the blue sphere once again as it continued to grow, it kept growing until it was as big as Charybdis had been, maybe bigger

Believing this to be enough I threw the sphere down and when it hit the area started cracking more and more until it shattered and I felt the same feeling as when I first came here

Once again I was back, looking down the cube was still there but cracked greatly, bringing my foot up I stomped down and the cube was crushed completely, I was happy until I looked around

Buildings were on fire, and the sun was setting

'It was still day when I went in'

Had the area inside the cube sped up the time? The barrier around our town is still up, both of them in fact, while the magicules were smaller I still felt a familiar one


I brought out my wings and flew towards where I sensed it, it was the main building where we discus plans, as I was flying over I saw though, so many were dead

Making my way towards the room I opened the door and there they were, most of them at least, some weren't and that caught my attention

Before Rim even spoke I had to know exactly

"Rim! What the hell happened?!"


Am I disappointed in myself? Yes

This chapter took a while to get out and the fight?

Eh... I don't think it's that good, I tried but fights are not easy for me to write, or maybe it's cause it's Accelerator

I mean his fights usually go the same and if not he can usually end anyone with a single touch, making a fight for that guy isn't really easy is it?

That time I got reincarnated as Accelerator Where stories live. Discover now