Jura Tempest Federation

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Could anyone see the video at the top on the last chapter? I couldn't and I don't know why, if anyone knows could you tell me please. Anyways hope you enjoy the chapter

Rim had gathered the three races executives together  to discuss what would happen with the Orcs, apparently even after the war there was still 150,000 left

He said that he had no plan to charge them for what happened and instead he gave a proposal since it wouldn't be fair if just nothing happened

He proposed an alliance, the lizardmen share clean water and fish, goblins share housing, we provide processed goods, and the Orcs will be labor

It was a good proposal since not only do the Orcs not really have much of a choice, but it also helps with working and they get a place to stay if they just work, the Orcs had started crying slightly and bowed their heads saying they were grateful

Of course such an alliance would need a chancellor which I think me and Rim both assumed would be Treyni, until she screwed us over

"As the caretaker of the forest, I pronounce Rimuru Tempest and Accelerator, as the chancellor's of the Jura Forest Aliance"

None had any objections as everyone bowed to us, while me and Rim both looked at each other and even as a slime, I could tell he was giving me the same look I was giving him, a look of "how the hell did this just happen"

Going home like this wasn't easy though, cause not only did Rim name the Orc's ruler Geld, after the Orc Disaster, he has to name the remaining 150,000 Orcs, so after 10 days and an extra three for rest everything was going good

I of course was basically overseeing everything while he was recharging his magicules, during the time he was asleep, Geld evolved into the Orc King and the Orcs were working well, their strength is the best trait they have so the manual labor they were doing was great

We had gotten an aqueduct made so now we got clean water, flushable toilets, and a sewer system, a bath is even being built so our town is coming along quite nicely

After Rim woke up another day had passed as he seemed to relax after being asleep that whole time, lazy, I had asked him though what had happened when he fought the Orc Disaster since I didn't see and he told me

"Autopilot mode huh... seems just like a cheat to me"

Rim: "Yeah it kinda is... but I should not be hearing that from you mister, "I control all vectors"

"Not my fault I'm strong"

After learning about it I left and decided to try something on my own

After using the black wings against Subaru I wanted to try to use them again

I saw that my attacks do have a slight purple glow to it so they have been affected, like when Accelerator fought Kakine, the tornadoes he threw at him were slightly purple

The wings come from strong emotion, either positive or negative, it doesn't really matter but even so it would be kinda useless if I can't just use it on command so that's what I'm trying

I didn't really know where to start so I tried multiple methods, thinking extremely positive, extremely negative, and some other ways which didn't really pan out too well, I'm not in a situation where it calls for the wings anyway so that could be it

Though I got one last method, I even got a name for it, "Super Bullshit Plot" I took the name from DBS due to the U6 Saiyans since, everyone knows the "tingling" sensation in the back is straight BULLSHIT

But I did that, concentrate on my back and trying to remember the sensation of what it felt, even though I was unconscious I still felt it. I kept trying and for a brief moment, they came out

That time I got reincarnated as Accelerator Where stories live. Discover now