Delegation, again

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Rimuru POV

'Youm is fighting that grunt guy well. Though, this fight was due to me instigating, wonder how Aki's doing'

As I look over to the forest I see this guy sitting on a rock next to the fight

'That guy looks like Hitsugaya, there's another reincarnation? That's cool'

Looking at Aki and Suphia I see him raise his hands above his head an- oh god I know what he's doing

"Uh Aki, maybe you shouldn't you know, use plasma!"

Aki: "It'll be fine Rim! Plus she's waiting so I might as well give her a taste!"



Suphia: "Well come on then, let's see what this is!"

"Don't blame me when you get hurt"

The wind started moving at a much quicker pace, the blue light was forming and as the sphere gradually grew tigress seemed impressed

Until the snake lady came with her staff pointed at both of us, she was just inches away from hitting the barrier so it didn't reflect and instead was just close to my neck

Apparently after explaining this was a test and whatever which is nice and all but...

"Test or not tigress is gonna feel this one!"

Snake lady backed away since she didn't expect that and Rim was yelling about not doing it but Suphia had other ideas

Suphia: "Alright bring it!"

She had her arms crossed and ready to block if need be

"Hey Rim! Better get a potion ready cause I ain't going easy!"

The plasma had been continuously forming during the talk so it had gotten pretty big, I then brought my hands down and it collided with her

At first she was blocking it but she then started to quickly loose ground and it engulfed her

When it made impact with the ground dust came up from the ground being destroyed as everyone else had covered their eyes

When it cleared Suphia was on the ground, the power had knocked her down, she wasn't unconscious but very close, she was bleeding from a lot of places too

Rimuru: "Aki... what the hell!"

"She's fine Rim"

Rimuru: "What do you mean fine? She's bleeding everywhere and is almost unconscious!"

"But she's not dead is she"

He wanted to refute but I started to reflect the sound which he caught on to then he healed the girl after grumbling, I could tell he was just scared at the consequence of me harming one of the beastketeers this bad

Though when Suphia got up she was quite pleased with the fact she got hurt like that... masochist much?

Either way we went to the actual city with the delegation and Jin and we went to discuss what we had to


So we basically had a deal that their kingdom would supply fruit since they had an abundance as long as we give them beer, pretty good deal

Rim tried to put the work to me to figure out how much beer to give but I wasn't having it since he had Great Sage, which led to the best solution of bringing in a merchant named Koby to figure it out himself

'I'm sure he'll do fine'

Jin had decided he'd stay a bit and I wasn't gonna refuse since he's cool so everything went well

Timeskip, again

Alright recap, the delegation left, some stayed to learn, now days have passed, and me and Rim are part of the delegation going to the Dwarf Kingdom to properly thank Gazel for his help, that was absolutely nothing, during the whole Charybdis thing

Originally I wasn't planning on going but then I did when no joke, Rim got me while I was sleeping and threw me into the carriage

"I'm still pissed that you kidnapped me you know"

Rimuru: "It wasn't kidnapping it was just taking you against your will"

"Same thing!"

Shuna, Shion, and the dwarves were in the same carriage as they just decided to not ask questions, apparently Shion wasn't gonna be brought along until she saw that I was here, and the fact that when Rim told her no she had thrown a tantrum and destroyed his office

'Serves him right'

After four days we had gotten there and we me up with the leader of the Pegasus knights who were like the main force for Gazel in secret or some shit, I don't know I wasn't paying attention when Rim explained it

Either way, we got to Gazel and he was outside on what I can only describe as basically a porch

'Well I'm here might as well see what we do'

That time I got reincarnated as Accelerator Where stories live. Discover now