Eve to Battle

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I wanted to point somethings out that I haven't and or have made a mistake about

First is Hinata Sakaguchi, apparently she is Enlightened and not an actual hero, that's my fault, I didn't know and only learned of it after some comments pointed it out and I looked it up on the wiki.  She awakens the heroes egg later, so just forget what I said cool?

Second is Accelerator's "immortality"
Spiritual beings, as far as I'm aware now actually can't die from old age, though from what I tried to find neither seemed to be confirmed so I'll just say that they can't. He can't really die though since as long as there is some brain activity going on he could use dark matter to fix himself up, i.e. what I had put in before of him recreating the heart if it were to ever get destroyed

Just wanted to point these out since they were my mistakes anyway

Telling Rim of my transplant he questioned why since I was a spiritual being

"What does being part spiritual matter in this case?"

"You can't die from old age! You weren't gonna die from that anyway" he stated that like it was easily known which left me a little stumped but no matter

"Well then as long as I can use dark matter with some brain activity then I can keep myself alive no sweat. It's not real immortality but it's pretty damn close"

He sighed but I needed to know what they talked about so I was caught up to speed

Eurezania's citizens were most likely going to get attacked by Clayman's forces so he can become a true demon lord, some guy with a special sword that's an ice type and what they were gonna do

I had listened to what was being said after and gave some pieces of advice from what they gave me though ultimately Rim said he had created a skill to let him transport a large number of people while being safe

This led to us forming an army so that the citizens could be protected, though I had given the idea that he could use transportation magic on the citizens to bring them here so when Clayman's forces arrive they will be met with death to them

He liked the idea and Geld had been told and within an hour there were lodges built to house the survivors, he then went with Phobio and transported groups of citizens well into the night. By morning the next day all survivors were in Tempest and Eurezania was empty

I kept a note in my head that we only had two days now for Walpurgis, earlier he had stated of bringing two of us with him, I was obviously going and while I said to only bring me Shion had insisted on coming along which if we denied probably would've made her start a tantrum that we weren't going to handle and she can get some revenge since Clayman can be held accountable for her death

Looking out on a field were thousands of monsters that would be the different parts of the army. There were Orcs, goblins, dragonewts, and to protect Tempest was Shion and her personal squad which consisted of those who were revived, Mugino would stay to protect as well and Jin had been told earlier of an idea I had which was to send him to go kill the other ice sword user since he could do it

He shrugged and accepted since it wouldn't take more than 5 minutes once we find him

One speech later and Rim had casted the magic which caused a giant magic circle to appear

In an instant everyone was gone and transported to Eurezania, now it's just a waiting game of their victory and our own crashing of Walpurgis


Since Treyni was gonna go with Ramiris the whole fact that as a dryad she can't leave the forest led Rim to creating a body for her that would not only evolve her but also remove the restriction of only being able to be in the forest

That time I got reincarnated as Accelerator Where stories live. Discover now