Gabiru, the Idiot and Treyni

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Been a couple days since Benimaru and the other Ogres joined us, since then they've gotten along pretty well with the rest of the people

Shuna has made silk along with the dwarve brothers so better armor and clothing is most expected at some point if needed

We've also made actual houses, sure they're made of wood but it's not like all houses have to be brick or stone so it's all good

Earlier Shion invited me and Rim to eat what she made, he accepted while I said no because I "wasn't hungry" though that's not really true


"Lord Accelerator"

"Hm? Oh, Benimaru, what do you need?"

"Nothing my lord though there is some advice I should tell you"

"Okay what is it"

He then gripped my shoulder tight like he was scared of someone else hearing

"Never and I mean Never, eat Shion's cooking"

"Uh why?"

"She cannot cook, if you were to eat it you may not wake up again"


Yeah so I watched Rim suffer while he looked at me, Benimaru and Hakurou with eyes screaming traitor

Though I watched as he had instead shoved the spoon to his right which landed in poor Gobta's mouth

His face became purple and I watched as he rolled on the ground like a circle until he stopped while foam came out his mouth, well it looks like foam anyway

"That was.. oddly entertaining"

Yeah.. now Benimaru has to approve of Shion's cooking before she gives it to us or anyone for that matter so.. sucks for him

"He was a good goblin, he may have been a little dumb but he was still a kind soul, goodbye Gobta"

I then put a napkin over his face

I don't got a sheet so a napkin is the next best thing, I mean sure he isn't dead, I can feel it but might as well do this

Me and Rim then went to the blacksmith and listened to Kaijin and Kurobe talk about forging for 2 hours

I knew Rim wanted out, hell I did too but we couldn't find the best opportunity, well he didn't

I just left midway and stood outside cause, why not? Got stuff to think about anyway

Anyways Rigurd then came by and told us a lizardmen envoy is here and we should go see what they want

Some of the Ogres came with us as well since they wanted to know what they wanted as well

When we got there though this idiot named Gabiru went on a rant saying how we should be honored to serve him during this time of need or some bullshit

He kept saying shit about how weak Rim was and why a human was here, couldn't care less but he was really starting to piss me off, I had half a mind to just make him explode right now

One touch. That's all it'd take, one single touch and I can make his organs pop like a balloon

Though I wasn't the only one pissed, I was holding Rim while Shion stood behind me with her.. assets pushed against my back with her arms around me

She started squeezing me since she was getting angry, didn't hurt too much since I reinforce my body with magic normally but it was getting uncomfortable

Why can she even touch me? It's not like I'll have my barrier against people I know, I just subconsciously kept it on and consciously turn it off when I'm by those I know

I felt a weird ping in my head like a phone ping? Then I heard a voice

"Hey Aki"

"Rim? How the hell are you in my head?"

"Thought communication, since you don't have your barrier up it works"

"Oh gotcha. Anyway what do you want"

"This guy annoying you as much as he is me?"

"Definitely. I can kill him right?"

"What! No no no! I don't like him either but he isn't an enemy"

"Damnit fine"

Eventually Rim called Ranga out to talk and while the other lizardmen were shaking in fear, Gabiru was speaking to him just fine

"He is stronger than the other normal lizardmen, but he's still an idiot. So what's keeping him from shaking, confidence or stupidity"

He then proceeded to talk shit about Rim to Ranga so he was quite literally ready to kill him till Gobta came by

According to Rim the food he ate managed to give him the skill [Poison Resistance] that says a lot about Shion's cooking

Ranga then took him and we gave him a spear and told him to fight the idiot

Rim promised him a weapon made by Kurobe if he wins while if he looses he'll have to eat more of Shion's cooking, which got him fired up and Shion angry, since she was starting to squeeze me again

"Ready, begin!"

Gobta threw his spear at the idiot while he barely dodged then he swung his spear at Gobta while he disappeared

"He went in the ground? Wait no, he went into the shadow. Holy shit! He can do that?"

I mean Gobta isn't too weak considering who he is but I didn't think he could use [Shadow Movement]

He then came up from behind the idiot, then kicked him in the back of the head knocking him out

"Gobta is the winner!"

Holy shit, he actually won

Rigurd and Ranga were busy tossing him in the air while Rim was talking in my head as we had the same thoughts

"He won?! Gobta won?!"

"Don't yell in my head idiot! I'm as surprised as you! The others are congratulating him, did they seriously think he'd win?"

"Were we the only ones who thought he'd lose?!"

"Apparently so!"

After quickly acting and giving him some congratulations we then headed back to the town and went into one of the larger buildings

It was basically our meeting room, when we need to discuss plans and such, maybe strategize for war if it ever happens

..Why do I feel like I just raised a red flag?

Anyway Souei came back and told us that the Orcs number two hundred thousand, so that confirms it

We were discussing what to do and why it was happening in the first place

We came to the conclusion that it's the responsibility of an Orc Lord, apparently a monster that appears every few centuries or so

Me and Rim still hold onto the idea that some Demon Lord is behind it all though

We kept this discussion till Souei said someone made contact with one of his body doubles, apparently a Dryad made contact with him

Judging by the look on Rim's face I can tell he's probably thinking of the Dryad's appearance and hoping it looks as sexy as games depict them

Then in the center of the table a green light appeared that gave off a sort of warm feeling, not bad but like a kind and gentle feeling

Once the light died down a woman appeared who addressed herself as the Dryad Treyni

She then asked me and Rim a favor

"Leader of monsters and the human who stands by you, I have to ask of you two. Please, defeat the Orc Lord"

"Guess our suspicions were right"

That time I got reincarnated as Accelerator Where stories live. Discover now