Slime's Destined One

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Two for one day, this is my apology for not updating yesterday, I know I gotta make a schedule or something for this cause my work ethic is honestly just plain awful

It was just a normal day like any other, goblins living their lives, the dwarves working on their craft, and me and slime with Ranga by a lake with a big stone in the middle

Apparently slime had a new skill he wanted to try out so he brought me along with Ranga, he could also use the skill while I was brought cause.. I don't know, why am I here?

Slime used his new skill called [Black Lightning] and the stone in the middle of the lake got absolutely obliterated, it also cause the water to go inwards like a sort of whirlpool effect, while it also headed for us, his slime body just absorbed any water while Ranga shook it off, as for me well the water didn't even get close to me thanks to the barrier

"Well slime look at that, you got a neat little skill"

"Accelerator-sama I-"

"Accelerator. If you're gonna say my name don't add 'sama' it gets annoying"

"Accelerator, master's skill was incredible, yet you say little, can you perhaps do the same?"

"No, I don't have the same skill, though I could get the same outcome with little effort"

"Anyways slime let's just head back, after you made Rigurd the "Goblin King" he's been dealing with all the goblins and while I don't really care, I do want to see how he handles it so we should go back"

"Alright alright, come on Ranga"

"Yes master"

We headed back to the village with slime on Ranga and me flying with the 4 tornado wings, when we got there Rigurd said the scouts had seen a suspicious group of humans, slime said he'd check it out so I decided I'd stay till he gets back

"Humans huh, wonder what other humans want coming to the forest, probably some random nation wanting to expand. Not like it'll happen while me and slime are here"

So after being praised by random goblins just for protecting them even though they haven't needed protection from anything yet, slime came back with 4 people while Rigurd led them to a tent to give them food

I remember 3 of them, they were the randoms in the cave when we first left, though I don't know the 4th

"Hey Accelerator"

"Slime, what do you want"

"The black haired girl. She's the one I'm destined to be with!"


If I wasn't Accelerator I think I'd be freaking out over that, but since I'm not the only question I have is how did he come to that conclusion

"Did you get hit too hard on your slime head? Hold on I'll just hit it harder and you'll be fine"

"Wait wait wait! I was told back at the bar with the elves!"

The elves?

Oh I see now, one of them had a crystal ball and slime looked interested, guess he had his fortune shown or something and that girl was the one he saw

"Whatever, *sigh* well slime do whatever with those guys, I'm gonna go do my own thing or sleep"

"Wa-wait! Why are you leaving them to me?"

"This is your village isn't it? I just kinda own half of it, but you're the monsters 'savior' more than I am so I'll go do my thing"

"H-hold up"

I just walked away not bothering to turn around, behind my back i heard slime mutter angrily about me leaving the problem to him, which I am I won't deny, but I'm gonna do something important

Recently I made my own small hut, it'll turn into an actual house soon but it gets the job done for now

I had a small area in there used to work on stuff and I wanted to try something

I had some nice metals and other things from the cave when we first got here and I wanted to try manipulation

Vectors are anything with a direction and magnitude, my question was. Could I forcefully change the metals structure to make something different?

An example would be changing bread into a piece of paper, random I know but that's the point. I want to change the metal into a different item, and while I won't necessarily need the item, it'd be nice to have for the hell of it

So I concentrated, I didn't need to concentrate too hard since I still have the full power of Accelerator before the injury so I should be fine

It took a while I won't lie but I was able to do it, by changing the structure of the metal as well as adding more metal to it to create the shape and size of what I wanted I finally made it

It took a while I won't lie but I was able to do it, by changing the structure of the metal as well as adding more metal to it to create the shape and size of what I wanted I finally made it

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A gun

So why'd I want this? Simple, no fucking clue

I wanted the gun just to have it, it's like a guy buying a computer just cause he wants it, he might not need it, but he has it

When I went outside it was night, didn't think it took that long, or maybe I spaced out or something who knows

Anyways I saw slime and the black haired girl on a hill far from the village, talking about something, I can see them but I obviously don't know what they're saying so I won't bother

Turning around I went back inside and laid down on the makeshift bed which was just cloth over the ground and another to act as a blanket

I started to go to sleep but I couldn't get rid of this feeling, this off putting feeling

Something is gonna happen tomorrow, I just know it

That time I got reincarnated as Accelerator Where stories live. Discover now