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Standing on a hill with Rim next to me, the monster was coming into view, a giant blue sort of dragon like monster with a singular eye on what I assumed is its forehead

We had made quite a force to deal with this thing, we had Benimaru's group, the goblins riders, High Orcs, the lizardmen from Gabiru, and 100 Pegasus nights that Gazel sent over

We had discussed that they would take out the small megalodons and then me, Rim, and Mugino would take on Charybdis

When the groups rushed in Benimaru used his hell flare on one and we noticed how strong they were, his hell flare is strong but it didn't completely incenerate the monster

Gobta and the other goblins were fighting one with Hakurou watching over. The Orcs were fighting one along with Gabiru who had helped kill it

At some point Souei had gotten on top on one and used his threads to control it like a puppet, making it crash and bite into another

Shion and Ranga at some point had started working together and apparently Ranga could fly somehow, which led them both to killing one

After those two it had seemed they had killed all the megaladons so all that was left was Charybdis itself

Souei, Ranga, and Shion had gotten on top of it and were running along the top attacking, until Charybdis had started to do something

The scales on its body had come up and forced the three of them back on the ground, where the scales had come down which they tried to dodge and deflect but they still got hit

The remaining scales in the sky where gonna come down until Rim had gotten in front of them and used a skill called gluttony to eat all of the scales, did his predator evolve or something?

At this point it was time for us to take over since it was the main guy left, Rim had told us that the thing had an extra skill that sort of weakens attacks from magicules, which meant me and Mugino would be perfect since we use physics and not magic

Placing my hand on Mugino's back I had ran the calculations and story wings formed on her back along with mine, since I'm not nerfed Accelerator these calculations are pretty easy

"You ready?" Mugino responded saying she was, this was the first real fight she's gonna have after joining us so she had to show off I guess

We had both launched at Charybdis, Rim was using his black lightning while Mugino was using her ability to make the green orbs and started rapidly shooting them, I had used my ability to force the wind and basically shot slices of wind like it was sharp at the thing

Rim's attack had done a little while me and Mugino's had done a bit more, it was a noticeable difference which shows that our abilities might be able to bring this thing down

Mugino had yelled out to me for attention since she seemed excited, she started forming many of the green orbs around her and I remembered what she wanted, she had told me of a bit of a combo move she wanted to make and I had obliged

Using my ability I had spread out my barrier to make the beams she shot off bounce back at Charybdis, with a yell from Mugino the attack was launched

Mugino: "Scatter Shot!"

She had launched the beams and they had hit my barrier which forced them back until it hit the extended parts, causing it to keep bouncing off until they all launched at Charybdis, when the attacks hit there was noticeable damage

The thing was about to attack but I had flew towards its eye, pulled my hand back and struck

It had screeched a bit in pain and this would give a good few seconds to bombard it, which everyone on the ground and the knights were doing, though I was thinking of something

When I hit Charybdis I had felt another vector inside of it and judging from it, there was a person inside being used as a sort of host, I actually remember it to be that guy who came and got punched by Milim, he said he was a subordinate of Demon Lord Carrion so I guess I'll save him

I had flown down on one of its wings and put my hands on it, I started to forcefully take the guy out so the monster didn't have its host, I felt it actively resisting so I needed it distracted

"Mugino! Rim! Launch your attacks at it!"

They had started doing so, Rim firing even more black lightning and Mugino firing her beams into its eye, feeling the resistance stop a bit, I took the opportunity and was able to fully get the guy out, a hole had opened up on the wing and out came the guy, still in his armor though he was burnt like hell

Picking the guy up I had flown over to Rim who looked shocked that I had this guy in my arms, by wasting time I quickly explained and told him to take the guy to some safe spot and we'll question him later, Rim nodded and flew off

When I had taken him out I heard something interesting coming from Charybdis, since the guy was its host it had hatred for Milim, which seemed to be its reason for coming here, now that the guy is out, Charybdis is still attacking since it was getting  attacks launched at it but I was going to use this to my advantage

Flying over to Milim I saw her sitting by a tree sleeping, landing next to her I forcefully woke her up and she tried explaining she wasn't sleeping

"Doesn't matter. Anyway that big lizard, he's after you, it's your time to shine"

With literal sparkles in her eyes she flew up and stared the thing down, she had said something about showing off her power and put her hands over her head

A blue light started to emanate till it got bigger and brighter, she then yelled the name and shot the move

Milim: "Drago Buster!!"

Multiple blue beams shot at Charybdis and a massive explosion ensued, when the dust settled Charybdis was no more, she wiped the thing out with one hit, why didn't she use that when she fought me?

I feel slightly insulted, though it doesn't really matter

Looking down towards everyone who had looked up at Milim's attack I said what needed to be said

"Charybdis is no more!"

We took down Charybdis, well final hit was Milim but I'd say at least me and Mugino had done a very considerable amount of damage, man it was just as much of a pain as I expected

That time I got reincarnated as Accelerator Where stories live. Discover now