Adventure Pt. 2

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Yo sorry for not updating before, I don't even got an excuse other than I was lazy, almost didn't do this chapter today

Got final leap testing tomorrow and I don't feel like I did too well this day but I'm hoping

Anyways enough about me, to the chapter

Wait question of the day, almost forgot. Who's yall favorite anime character?

"So whitey, how's this gonna work?

Me and Jin had gone to a outside area from the building I was in previously, by the looks of it there were many fields behind the building but they had a barrier to make sure nothing interfered with each other

Jin: "You know that you have white hair too right? But me and you are gonna fight, simple as that"

He had walked to one side of the field and I walked to the other, I had nodded in understanding of what he said and when we were on opposite sides he gave a countdown

Jin: "Alright, 3... 2... 1!"

Immediately he launched at me, his hand was already on his sword on his back and he unsheathed it and went for a slash to my chest, I immediately dodged by kicking away to the side

Why'd I dodge? Well I've been fighting without the use of my barrier for a bit. I wanted to make sure that the natural instinct of fight and danger would stay, if I only used the barrier and it would somehow be taken away, I'd panic since I relied on it so much

By fighting without the barrier I'm getting better, I don't fight with a sword, honestly couldn't and it was weird I even thought of it from character and that really threw me off in my imagination, Accelerator, fighting with a sword... seems odd right?

Anyways I had dodged but he had rapidly closed in, he went for another slash to which I dodged again but this time manipulated the vectors to quickly stop myself when I was out of range of his slash, then immediately launched towards him with my fist ready

I threw the punch but he had blocked it with the flat part of his sword, what surprised me though was that it didn't break, not even a crack

Jin brought his leg up and kicked me in my stomach which sent me back, he had said something that I didn't quite hear but I noticed his sword had gotten a bit of a white outline around it

He had brought his other hand up and ice formed from it coming towards me quickly, I stomped on the ground and it had risen to form a protective wall

I had jumped up and went towards him again, me fist kept clashing with his sword while I had a bit of a grin on my face since I was having fun, I could tell he was as well

Jin: "So how do you like my ice magic? It's great isn't it. Though I can't put you down either, I haven't had this much fun in a while, and you're a reincarnated, it's so much fun!"

I gained a bit of a shocked expression but it immediately went away as I had feinted a punch to his torso that he tried to block, which I then forced it down to hit his waist, which got him to crouch down a bit, I then kicked his feet out from under him and as he was falling I kicked him in his stomach as he had kicked me before and launched him to the other side of the field

"So you were reincarnated too huh? So tell me who you are exactly, this guy I mean"

He had gotten up from the impact and stood across and answered the question

Jin: "Toshiro Hitsugaya, that's this guy, from Bleach, ever watched it?"

"Nope. Couldn't get into it, but this has gone on a bit too long, so how about it, one last move?"

His grin that he had during our battle had gotten even bigger, and he accepted

He focused magicules on his sword and whatever else I can only assume since I'm almost positive that he has the complete power of his character

I had brought my hands up above my head and forced wind around me then compressed it above me

After a bit the familiar blue sphere had formed above me and it kept getting bigger, his sword was glowing much more than earlier, we could both tell that the other was ready, with a motion of my arms I brought them down and the sphere flew towards him, he raised his sword above his head then slashed down

Jin: "Getsuga Tenshō!!"

A sort of beam of what I'd have to describe as aura and magicules had come out of his sword and made its way towards the plasma I launched, when the two connected a explosion occurred that I brought my barrier back up for, though there was a thought in my head when it happened

'Isn't that move Ichiho's? I've only ever known of him using it. Eh not like I'd know, maybe others can use it'

After the explosion settles a saw that on the other side of the field stood Jin with his sword in front of him blocking, while he looked relatively fine his clothes did get a bit destroyed though he seemed more tired than anything

I was about to rush him till he put his hand up and out his sword back in its sheath

Jin: "That's enough. *pant* man that took a bit out of me"

He made his way up to me and I had asked about the last move, he said that he had just recreated the move, he didn't have multiple powers sadly, that would have been real interesting

Either way though he had ran me through an evaluation of how I fought and he praised me here and there though told me somethings that he caught that could be fixed, though the most important to him was more of a choice to me

Jin: "Seriously? No sword, or he'll even a dagger?"

"I'm just used to using my fists, plus most of the time it's not like anyone could actually hurt me anyway"

He sighed but brought the final result to light

Jin: "Well alright. Anyways after everything that you did it's only fair that the ranking you get... is S Rank. Congratulations"

I had thanked him and even told him my actual name, he had also told me that if anything comes up then I could count on him, which was nice but also how? I mean no phones, maybe I could like use my own self made thought communication, I use the choker to listen to Rim when he uses it so I should be able to find a way to use it in what's basically reverse

Either way I had made my way back and I had seen Mugino was out of her test as well

"So what rank did you get?"

Mugino: "Obviously S rank, and no doubt you got it too"

Nodding she had smiled and hugged me, it caught me slight off guard but I just reciprocated the hug and then I brought her to the receptionist, since we got our rankings might as well put them to use

"Hey. We'd like to do a quest"


So, how was it? Was the fight okay? I'm not really good at it if that wasn't obvious but I wanna know what y'all think of it, any improvements you could tell me of for the future?

That time I got reincarnated as Accelerator Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora