"You're okay, I guess." I roll my eyes, embarrassed by the blush coating my cheeks.

He chuckles. "Come on, diva me up."


"Stay still! Ezra, this is the last time I'm going to tell you."

"I'm trying!" He whines. "You keep trying to poke my eye out!" He squeezes his eyes shut.

"Because you're moving!"

We both erupt in a fit of laughter and once we compose ourselves I steady my hand on his face and draw a wing of eyeliner, his eyes fluttering shut, as I try to match the one I already make on his other eye.

My arm is sore from holding it up, in order to reach his face, since we're both standing. He has his back facing the mirror, as he leans on the countertop.

"Open." I instruct. He opens his eye and his pupil shrinks before dilating again.

The color of his iris is truly unique. Seen from afar it could pass for light blue, but up close it's a gorgeous shade of grey. The color turned almost golden around his dilated pupil, while flecks of gold expanded towards the outer rim of the iris, which was lined with darker grey. His irises are similar, though not exactly the same. In his left iris, the color towards the center is closer to green than it is to gold. His stunning eyes are followed by thick black eyelashes, curled up at the ends.

While I was scrutinizing him, he was doing the same to me. He observed every detail of my face, all my imperfections. It's as it he were trying to take a mental picture of me, capturing every detail.

The simple thought makes me want to cover myself and hide from his gaze, but the small smile that rests on his lips tells me that he isn't judging me.

"What?" I ask, filling in the wing of black eyeliner. His smile deepens, his dimple showing, while his eyes alternate between mine.

"You're so beautiful." He says softly, his eyes radiating sincerity. I feel the heat rising to my cheeks and ears, an embarrassed smile making its way to my face as my stomach fills with tingles and butterflies.

Strange how an arrangement of sounds, because in the end that's what words are, can lead to such profound reaction.

"Thank you." I mumble, looking to the right to try to hide my face. I'm probably red like a tomato, by now.

"Don't hide from me, bellissima." His fingers slide up the side of my body to rest on my chin, tilting my face up towards him, to meet his gaze.

"I can't take you seriously while you look like that." I say, biting my lip in order to contain a laugh. He laughs and let's go of my face, letting his hand drop, but it stops by my waist, where he hooks it around me and pulls me flush against him. Now I have to arch my back to see what I'm doing.

"Aaaaand done!" I say, proud of the makeup. "You can see it, now." I say.

He turns around and looks at himself in the mirror, his eyebrows shoot up and he sucks his lips into his mouth. 

"Wow, I'm impressed. I feel like a diva now." He nods. I chuckle.

"That was the point-"

"Your turn." He chirps, turning towards me with a dashing smile. My face drops.

"No." I seethe.


"No." I narrow my eyes at him. He does the same.

"Yes." He merely growls.

"Jesus, fine, okay." I roll my eyes and he cackles.

Suddenly his hands latch under my arms and lift me, I yelp as he spins us around and plops me down on the counter.

I let out a sigh and giggle as he chuckles.

"Do you know how to?" I ask. He shakes his head no, breaking eye contact as he grabs the eyeliner pen.

"I'm just gonna go for it." He smiles, popping the cap off.

He steadies the side of his hand on my chin, his fingers grazing over my cheek and nose as I close my eyes. I can't help but smile as he gently drags the eyeliner out from the corner of my eye.

I can hear and feel his regular breaths as they fan across my face. I let out a bark of laughter at the idea of him being so concentrated over something so small.

'I love you,' I think. If it wasn't for my fear of rejection, I would've told him by now. I'm afraid that one of these days it might slip out.

He does the same on my other eye before chuckling.

"Done!" He says, backing away from my face. I open my eyes to see a wide smile on his face, his eyes lit up, but it all drops immediately.

"Oh." He says, instead. I laugh.

"Is it that bad?" I cringe. He nods with his lips pressed together. He nears me again and instructs my to keep my eyes open, which is what I do.

Even if I'm sitting on the counter, I have to crane my neck up to look at him.

His eyes dance between mine, observing the symmetry of the eyeliner he drew. I haven't seen it yet.

He bites nervously on his bottom lip before backing away from me and leaning towards both sides to observe them once again.

"Good?" I ask. He nods, a smile forming on is face. I love his smile. Heck, I love him.

I jump down from the counter and look at myself in the mirror. I see that he made two wings of eyeliner that are somewhat the same.

"Woah!" I giggle, leaning closer to the mirror.

"Not bad, huh?" He says.

"Not bad at all." I smile.

He crosses his arms over one another and I turn towards him.

"We have to take a picture." I say. Before he has time to respond, I grab my phone and switch to camera. I point it towards the mirror and smile, he wraps his arms around my shoulders and does the same, looking at us in my phone. I snap a picture and smile at it.

word count: 1744

hELLOOOOO!!! I'm so excited for school to end. Rn it's Tuesday, school is ending on Friday. I think I'm going to publish this chapter further ahead so by the time you'll be reading this, school will be over. I have a literature test tomorrow but I'm procrastinating ofc.

Can y'all believe 1,18k reads? Cuz I can't😭😭😭

I just remembered I have tests all throughout June. Wow.

I have three freckles in my inner thigh and I think they're adorable. They're my little secret. Not so secret anymore.

My dad threatened to download wattpad and read my book on there and for a second I had a heart attack and then I realized he doesn't know my account OR the name of my book. If he knew, his nosy-control-freaked ass would've read my story a long time ago.


Stay safe and good luck to everyone who has tests or anything that's been keeping them up at night😭<3

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