Black eye

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Chapter 18
( the next day )
Finns pov :
Its been a week since Rachel and I kissed and shes been ignoring me ever since . I just don't get it , she said she liked me and then she kissed me . But then she just ran out like she was scared . I feel there's something she's hiding like theres a reason why she has all these walls up . I care so much about her and I'm really starting to fall for her but I just wish she would talk to me. I was at my locker when I saw Rachel walking down the hall she had her head down and she was wearing a black jacket . I walked up to her and said , "Hey can we talk ? " I asked. She kept her head down, "Uh I can't. " She said. I put my hand on her shoulder and suddenly she jumped frantically. "Woah!" I said. "Please don't touch me !" She said panicked . "Okay I'm sorry whats going on ? " I asked . "Nothing I'm just trying to go to class . " she said irratated. "Rach you can talk to me I won't tell anyone . " I said. "No ! Please just stop I gotta go . " She said. She put her head up and thats when I noticed the black eye she had .
(Earlier that day )
Rachels pov :
I arrived at school this morning ready for the day . I got out of my car and started to walked to the school when suddenly someone grabbed me by my mouth . I tried to scream but before I knew it he had caught me , and by him I ment Karofsky. "Help! " I yelled behind the quad . He then slapped me hard , "Shut up bitch!" He yelled . He then pushed me down and said , "Now lets get something straight you are going to stay here like a good girl and keep your mouth shut . " he told me . "Let me go Karofsky. " I demanded. "I said shut up!" He yelled and then he hit me again giving me a black eye . "Why are you doing this ?" I asked in tears . "Because you didn't give me what I wanted so now I'm going to take it . " he said. He came closer but then I kicked him in his private area got up and started to run towards the school quickly before he could catch me. "Damn it !" I could hear him yell from a distance. I kept running and I didn't stop until I arrived into school .
(Back with Finn )
"What happened to you . " I asked her . "Nothing okay?" She said and stormed off .

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