Save her

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Chapter 7
Finns pov :
We arrived at Rachels house five minutes later . The door was open and Rachels car was there Mr.Shue and I ran into Rachels house , "Rachel ! " I yelled but no answer . "Rachel where are you? " I yelled but still no answer . "Finn do you hear that ?" Mr.Shue asked. "Yeah it sounds like its coming up stairs . " I said. We quickly went upstair . We got to Rachels room her room was trashed but she wasnt . Oh god theres water coming out of the bathroom . I knocked on the door , "Rachel?" I yelled but no answer I jiggled the door knob but it was locked. I turned to Mr.Shue , "Call 911. " I said. I then backed up and started to break down the door. Finally I got it I ran into the bathroom and saw Rachsl in the bathroom soaking in her own blood . I panicked , "Oh my god. " I said. I picked her up and put a towl on her . "Come on Rachel stay with me . " I said. The ambulance came just into time they took her out of my arms and put her on the gury . I was covered in her blood , they put her into the ambulance . I was totally freaked out. "Come on Finn I'll take you to the hospital." Mr.Shue told me . 20 minutes later we were all at the hospital Rachels parents were on their way home from New York . I sat down and then Mr.Shue came over and sat down , "Here Finn I brought you a clean shirt. " he said and handed to me. "Thanks. " I said. I put my head in the palm of my eyes. I couldn't help but think about how much blood was in the bath tub. Seeing Rachel there lying in her own blood scared me . "Rachel Berry?" The doctor said coming out . Mr.Shue and I stood up. "Yes . " we both said . "So we pumped Rachels stomach and she is now stable however she's in critical condition but shes awake . " he said . "Will she be okay ?" Mr.Shue asked. "We believe she should be able to recover but the scars are permenit . " he told us . "Can we see her ?" I asked. "Finn .... " Mr.Shue said. "Can I see her ? " I asked again . "Yes you may but she's asleep. " he said and walked away . "Finn , listen I know you care about Rachel but she's in really bad condition I don't think you should see her right now . It's going to be brutal. " he said . "I saw her covered in her own blood . I think I've seen her in bad condition. " I said. "I know but I don't want you to get hurt . " he said. "Mr.Shue your the one that told me to be her friend and I did now excuse me but I gotta go see her . " I told him and walked away . I walked into Rachels room she looked do pale it was hard to reconigzed her . I sat down she had badages on her wrist and a breathing mask in her face. I looked down , "Hey Rachel it's me Finn . I know that you probably can't hear me right now but please don't die. I like you your kind and smart. You are so beautiful Rachel and if you please wake up I promise I will protect you no matter what just please don't do this again. " I begged . I then closed my eyes and prayed , "Dear God , its me Finn . Listen I know that Rachel is in a bad olace right now so please help her get through this . Please don't let her do something like this again . Let her know everything will be okay . Just please save her . "

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