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"Baern wouldn't have the left the area with you guys still alive," Raya says as we walk down the steps.

"There must be some other place he'd go. Maybe a military installation the public doesn't know about," Clark suggests.

"Hey, I've been trying to call you. Where have you been," Chloe questions.

"Racing around," Clark replies. "Chloe, this is Raya."

"Oh, Raya. Wow. It's nice to know something good finally came out of the Phantom Zone, especially since we have a big problem," she says, handing him a picture.

"Chloe, this is what Zod was gonna use to wipe out the Earth. Where'd you get this?"

"Jimmy took it. It was on Lex's desk," she admits making my eyes widen.

"I thought I destroyed it," Clark says.

"I know this design. It's part of the brain interactive construct."

"What," Chloe questions.

"Brainiac. This box is it's power core. Kryptonian energy source exponentially stronger than anything here on Earth."

"Baern," I say.

"If he gets a hold of this, it'll give him enough power to fuel him indefinitely... and kill all three of us."

*that night*

"Clark, Callie, I'm home," I hear Mom call out from the kitchen. I struggle underneath Baern's grip, as he holds his hand over my mouth and a knife to my neck. "I canceled the rest of my meetings and came back early. If I had to listen to one more egoist droning on about the need for school reform rather than actually doing something about it...," she continues, walking over to the living room light.

She flips on the light, gasping when she sees Baern holding a knife to my neck. "Where's Clark," she questions.

"Don't you mean Kal-El," Baern corrects. "He left without saying goodbye."

"Let my daughter go," Mom says.

"Tell me where Clark is," se states.

"I... I don't know," she stutters out.

"Then I guess I have no choice..." He presses the knife further into my neck, and I yelp in pain.

"Stop, please," she pleads.

Suddenly, he actually does stop, slowly looking up at the ceiling. "Kal-El." He tosses me aside, before disappearing out of the front door.

"Callie," Mom exclaims, rushing over to me. "Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine," I nod, as she helps me up. She quickly grabs a rag and presses it against my neck. "Where's Clark? Who was that?"

"That was a phantom that had escaped the Phantom Zone. Clark wouldn't tell me where he went because he didn't want me to try and stop him or follow him," I explain.

"Is he okay?"

"I think he'll be okay," I nod. She slowly nods back, helping me up. "Mom?"

"Yes, sweetie?"

"I lied to you... The episodes haven't stopped. In fact, they're more frequent, and they're getting worse," I admit. "And I'm terrified."

"Oh, sweetie," she sighs, bringing me into a hug. "It's gonna be okay. We're gonna get through this, I promise."

"I hope so."

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