Chapter 41 - Banjaxed

Start from the beginning

All the posted images were the type taken unawares during sleepovers with people the victims thought were their friends. There was also a very unflattering video of Molly spilling a milkshake on herself which the girls had turned into a degrading, looping farse, with text overlays and sound effects, making her look like a gluttonous klutz that says "oink" all the time.

Declan launched an all-out assault on perpetrators of that kind of thing and it stopped. Kyle was able to track the origins of the images and video and used his skills to remove them everywhere he could get into. 

According to Molly, the guilty parties still scatter when they see Dex. Apparently, he can be quite fierce when angered and he actively hates bullies. I haven't seen him angry yet, I cannot imagine what that would be like. The posting of degrading images stopped and people no longer openly bully others but whispered stories still tend to get around.

This group of girls calls themselves the Babe Squad and Melissa and her three friends are near the top of their hierarchy. Honestly, why would they name themselves? I know Hunter and his friends sometimes talk about the Gang, the Clan, and the Fam, but those names are used simply for logistical purposes. 

It is a convenient way to talk about or contact a specific group of people without having to list their names. They don't go around calling themselves the Clan, strutting their stuff, and wearing t-shirts with the name.

I don't know if the Babe Squad has a t-shirt, but they certainly have an attitude if Melissa is anything to go by. I liked Paisley's name for them so much more. Bitch Brigade.

Aside from having an arsenal of new information on the internal politics at Briar Cove High, I now also have a rather stunning design as rough work for our practical session during the exam. Molly has a very good eye and she gave me plenty of wonderful ideas and advice. I tried to do the same for her, but I'm just a girl who likes to design outfits for dolls. My capacity for actual graphic design is rather limited. In spite of that, Molly still seemed to enjoy working with me.

Now I'm in Aunt Beth's car, on my way home with Hunter and it is too quiet in the small vehicle. Hunter isn't even singing along with the music the way he normally loves to do. Usually, most of the clan gets together in the parking lot to say goodbye when we leave school. At least, that is the idea I got last week. Today the Dragon Wagon wasn't there when I joined Hunter in the parking area. 

I was disappointed because I was hoping to speak to Paisley. I didn't say anything about that, I just thanked Hunter when he took my bag and put it in the boot. I try to focus on the music blaring from the speakers to hear if there's anything I really like, but my mind is too noisy. I cannot stand it any longer.



"What is going on with Paisley?"

He gives me a surprised glance and smiles a little uncomfortably.

"You don't have to go into details if you don't want to, but I'm her friend... at least I want to be. It's hard to be someone's friend and see them go through something and have no idea what it is or how you can help."

Hunter gives me another look; this time, his smile is gentle and warm.

"Not much you can do, Missy, except stick around and be there for her. She needs that. She's pissed off at me and Ash. Especially Ash... Actually, maybe even a little bit at Tan too. She doesn't want us to join the army. She's used to having us around and our leaving scares her. The fact that all of us are graduating from school this year, is already frightening enough for her. 

"She had a pretty hard time when we all went on to high school and she was still stuck in primary school. That wasn't quite so bad because we were still around. When we leave for the army, there'll be radio silence for long periods of time. To be honest, we don't like leaving her behind either, but sometimes you just have to do what you have to..."

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