Maybe Park Will Be Our Always

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Aw, fuck. Was the first thing Gerard thought when he woke up that Saturday morning. Where the fucking fuck am I? He thought. Gerard wasn't much of a morning person. He swung his legs over the bed and his foot hit something hard, and a groan came from someone who wasn't Gerard.

"What the fuck?" Frank groaned. Gerard now remembered that he had stayed at Franks house.
"Oh, fuck! Frank, are you okay? I'm sorry, I completely forgot where I was-" "Gerard, it's okay. That's probably gonna bruise, though." Frank pointed at his side before grinning at Gerard.
"Come on, let's go get breakfast." Frank said, standing up and cracking his back.
"Er, uh, no, I'm-I'm good. I usually don't eat breakfast." Gerard said nervously.

Frank had the feeling he was lying about something, but didn't worry too much about it.
"If you have coffee, I'll have some." Gerard said. Frank smiled. "Yeah, come on." Frank pulled Gerard off the bed, and was surprised at how light he was. Frank didn't comment on it, but it kind of worried him.
They went downstairs and saw Linda sitting at the dining room table, drinking coffee and reading.
"You can sit down, I'll get your coffee." Frank said, going into the kitchen and grabbing mugs.
Gerard sat down at the table, across from Linda. "Whatcha readin'?" Gerard asked. "Fifty Shades of Grey." Linda said casually. Gerard's face went red, and he suddenly was very interested in his lap. "Hun, I was joking. I'm reading Water for Elephants." Gerard exhaled in relief, and laughed at himself. "Wow, sorry, I'm really slow and gullible." Gerard shook his head. "Too early in the morning." He muttered. Frank sat down at the table and handed Gerard a mug of coffee. Gerard's mug had kittens on it. Fucking. Kittens. Franks had Jack Skellington on it, and Linda's had a rainbow pattern on hers. Gerard couldn't help but laugh. "Kittens?" He looked up at Frank and raised an eyebrow. Frank shrugged. "It fits you." He said, his lips turning up into a huge grin. Gerard made a hmph noise and sipped his coffee.
Linda groaned and got up, grabbing her purse.
"I've gotta go to work, don't do anything I wouldn't do while I'm gone." Frank rolled her eyes and Linda rushed out the door.
Once she was gone, Frank grabbed Gerard's hand and ran upstairs.
"Woah, what's the rush?" Gerard asked as Frank pulled him along.
Frank didn't answer, but he did pull out speakers. He hooked up the speakers to his laptop, and started blasting Misfits.
"She doesn't like me blasting music!" Frank shouted over the music. "What if we get noise complaints?" Gerard shouted back. Frank shrugged and grabbed Gerard's hands, swinging them to the beat of Helena. It was one of Franks favorite songs by them-not like he could choose just one.

I know just what to do
My hands are trembling
I can't spare to slip up with this knife
Her beauty so illogical
The beast come gliding in
Hideous chameleon stripped down to her skin
Dance to the burning flame
Pleasure exhumes the pain
The night bursts into flames
Dance Helena dance.

Gerard and Frank danced for a while, playing all their favorite bands. Eventually they got tired and turned off the music, collapsing on the bed.
"What now?" Gerard asked, panting, because fuck that was the most exercise he's done in a while. Frank shrugged, turning on his side to meet Gerard's eyes. "What do you wanna do?" Gerard got distracted in Franks eyes for a second, but managed to respond. "Park?" Frank smiled. "Park." Gerard giggled. "Maybe park will be our always." Gerard cackled at his own joke, Frank rolling his eyes. "Shut the fuck up."
"It was funny." Gerard argued, swaying a little on the swing.
"Eh." Frank replied.
"It was hilarious! Come on, The Fault In Our Stars references are the best! I love that book!" Gerard exclaimed. Frank turned to him. "Eh." He said once more. "You just don't wanna admit it was funny because you didn't think of it first." "Eh." "You're an ass." "But I'm a hot ass." Frank winked at Gerard, and Gerard blushed. "So, yesterday we like talked about favorite things, but we didn't really talk about ourselves all the much, like actually, ya know?" Gerard said. "Yeah, I get what you mean." Frank said. "Tell me about yourself." Gerard said.
"My name is Frank Anthony Iero, I'm a gay, suicidal outcast that really only likes dogs. Well, I like you a lot too. You and Mrs. Gailey are my only friends and that's really sad. I don't even know if you're my friend. I wanna be your friend but I dunno, I'm lame so I could understand why you wouldn't wanna be my friend. Like, you're super awesome-" Gerard interrupted Frank with a hug, and he wanted to kiss him, but Frank probably didn't like him like that, and he just met him yesterday. "It's okay, Frank. I like you a lot too, and of course we're friends. You're amazing." He said reassuringly. "Why did I say all that? I probably just scared away my chance of actually having a friend with my crazy sad talk. ugh, I'm so-" "Frank, shut up." and so he did. "Why-" "Frank, Shut up." "But-" "Shhhhh." "Okay." And they just sat there and swung. Frank pulled out his phone and typed a little message in his notes. he handed the phone to Gerard.
If I say something are you gonna shush me again?
"Nah." Gerard replied. "I've been friends with you for like, a day now, and I still haven't gotten to see you in a skirt, which is really disappointing." Frank said, grinning. "You'll have to earn it." Gerard winked sarcastically at him, and they both started laughing. Frank was having so much fun, and he hasn't been this happy since before everything happened-which he hadn't thought about in a few months. now he's thinking about it. "Frank? Frank, are you okay?" Frank barely heard him, he was too lost in thought. Reliving the memory.

"Dad, I'm home!" Frank shouted as he walked upstairs, kicking off his shoes. No reply. "Dad? Are you home?" Frank asked, jogging up to his parents room. Frank let out a shriek at the sight before him. "N-no, what the fuck? Why-" And then another scream came from behind Frank. I guess Linda was home. "N-no! Why? Oh God, Frank, honey, don't look-oh-" Linda dissolved into a fit of hysterical sobbing. Frank would never forget seeing his dads lifeless body on the bed, with a note and empty bottle of Tylenol. the note wasn't long enough. It didn't explain anything. Why? Was all Frank could think.
Mwahahahah prepare for a more and more feels because it just gets worse from here. I dunno how often I'm gonna update, but I'll try and get it up like once a week??? Whatever. comment and stuff, I'd love to here what you guys think!
Xoxo, Asia

American Beauty/American Psycho (trigger warning)//frerard & petekey//Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang