We walked to the changing room. "I don't feel this game" he suddenly said leaning onto a  locker. "Neither do I or Jake for that matter but as the captain and his vices it's our duty to be there. Half of the kids in that game on our team are depending on us to get a scholarship into college. We owe them this much" I said putting on my jersey.

"Hey guys! The opposite team is here. It's New Stone Academy come check it out" yelled one of the guys to us. "We're coming" said Jake as he was tying up  his laces .

"Dillan!" Said a voice from behind me. It was Carlos he was holding a phone in his hand which he kept on waving.

" It's an urgent matter. Your mom is under attack. Most of the men are there right now but this needs you" he said. I dropped my helmet feeling my heart race. "How did you know" I asked him  while my hands were  shaking.

"Delma just texted me saying she couldn't get through to any of you. She was told by her personal bodyguard who was apparently  at home" he explained. Jake and James walked up to me.

"Dillan  , what's wrong?" Asked Jake putting his hand on my left shoulder. "Mom's under an attack" I said before rushing out of the field. Everyone kept yelling for me to come back but I couldn't. I only wanted to save my mother. I know I had to choose between some other kids future but I couldn't just leave my mother. She might be that bad but I love her. And at this moment I'm only choosing her.

I got into my car and the twins got  in too. I  looked at them but they we busy loading their gun which they always kept hidden in the car. "Jesus what are you waiting for drive" yelled Jake while reloading another gun.

He didn't need to tell me twice. I rushed home and in 10minutes I was already at the gate. We got out of the car and everything seemed okay. Normal for that matter. No damages were even done but still I didn't let my guard down.

"per favore, stai bene mamma, stai al sicuro e resisti "
(please  be okay mom , be safe and just hold on) I muttered while walking to the door.

"You aim front , I'll go left you go right" said James. We nodded kicking the door  open we made our move only to be met  by my mother sitting in the living room with  another lady  and a girl probably   around my age.

"mamma che diavolo sta succedendo? Carlos mi ha detto che eri sotto attacco, sai cosa mi hai fatto lasciare per venire qui da te?"
(mom what the hell is going on? Carlos told me you were under attack do you know what you made me leave to come here from you?) I said feeling my anger coming to surface.

"oh non essere ridicolo Dillan. era l'unico modo in cui potevo farti vedere la signora Garrret e la sua adorabile figlia e probabilmente incrociamo le dita con mia nuora Catherine. "
(Oh don't be ridiculous Dillan. How else would I make you come and meet Miss Garret and her lovely  daughter  and probably , fingers crossed daughter in law Catherine) she said smiling at Catherine  who was just looking down smiling.

After my mom turned to me Miss Garret stood up and walked up to me. "Dillan sei bello come ti ha descritto tua madre"
(Dillan you're as handsome as your mother described you) she said. "piacere di conoscerti finalmente "  (nice to finally meet you)

I just kept on looking at mom who was looking at me smiling away. I looked at Catherine  was looking the opposite  direction but I'm sure I saw her doing an eye roll.

She then stood up and walked up to me . "Can I talk to you please. Just for a short while" she said sounding a bit sweet. I nodded and gestured her  to come upstairs with me.

I took her to my dad's study. After I closed the door behind me she sat on the couch and relived her heels.

"Scusa se sono stato scortese ma non mi piaci. Infatti non voglio sposarmi con te. Non voglio nemmeno sposarmi con un ragazzo. Ho una ragazza che sono sicuro avrà il cuore spezzato se le dicessi che sto cambiando interesse per i miei disertori seriali. "

(I'm sorry if I'm being rude but I don't like you. matter of factly I dont want to get married to you. I don't even want to get married to a guy. I have a girlfriend who I'm sure will be very heartbroken if I told her that I'm switching interest in my sexual disers.) She said folding her hands across her chest.

I chuckled and looked down. " beh almeno questo fa due " (well at least that makes two) I said sitting beside her.

"Oh goodness great. I thought you were going to act like those overly stupid people  who overreact  to rejection. I think we might get along just fine." She said causing me to chuckled again. "Talking to you should be considered  a peccato you have a mouth." (Sin)  "you talk too much for your own good. Can you even fight or defend yourself.?" I asked.

She smirked and looked at me. "Wana find out?" She asked. I nodded and smiled. "Good answer. I think we actually can have a shot at getting along. " I said.

"Voglio davvero il mio fuori dalla mia schiena. a peggiorare le cose ho solo 19 anni perché devo sposarmi così presto. se questo è quanto costa essere legati alla mafia calzini. "

(I really want mine out of my back to make matters worse I'm only 19 because I have to get married so early. if that's how much it costs to be tied to the mafia sucks.)

I nodded in agreement. "possiamo sempre fingere di toglierceli dalle spalle. qualche incontro a te fatti gli affari tuoi io penserò ai miei. probabilmente nel mezzo diventano amici. poi incontrerò la tua ragazza e tu incontrerai la mia e probabilmente anche loro andranno d'accordo "

(we can always pretend to take them off our shoulders. some meeting with you mind your business I'll take care of mine. probably in the middle they become friends. then I'll meet your girlfriend and you will meet mine and they'll probably get along too )  I said.

She nodded in understanding. "che il mio ragazzo farà perfettamente. e oh non devo.chiamarti soprannomi anche non osare chiamarmi con nomi dolci li odio.un'altra cosa possiamo solo tenerci per mano "

(that my guy will do perfectly. and oh I don't have to call you pet names also don't you dare call me pet names I hate them.another thing we can only hold hands) she said.

"Totally agree I think it's best we keep this as simple and less awkward  as possible. And I don't like anyone calling me pet names except for my queen. So if that's all we're all good to go" I said standing up.

"These fucking shoes again" she muttered while putting in her shoes. I looked at her and started laughing.

"What? I'm not used to heels. Matter of fact I never wear them you should stop enjoying my misery" she said while putting on the  last one.

"Don't forget to tune up your 'angelic' voice." I said while we were almost in the living  room. "Wow you didn't have to stress it. I'm sure I can handle it" she said.

"Miss Zelda" she said causing me to hold in a laugh. My mom looked up at me and Catherine. "Oh here you are you sweet pair. Come sit with us." She said. Catherine  smiled and did what she had been told.

I on the other hand was still very much angry at mom. "I'm sorry Catherine I can't stay but I really hope to see you soon. Miss Garret it was very nice meeting you but I have to go back to Moonlight Academy ASAP." I said grabbing the keys and going to the back yard.

I found the twins chatting with some of the guards. "Guys come on. We need to go back. There's still enough time to play win the match we have 4more games." I said. The ran towards me and I turned to run leading  the way to the car.

We drove back to the Academy where I found the coach  waiting for me and the twins. "You almost disappointed  the whole team you boys. Now get in the field and take the trophy  home" he said. We switched places with the guys who had taken our places.

I was now in the field when one of the boys from New Stone Academy came infront of me. "Try not to let it get personal and also try not to die he said showing me the knife.". I looked closely at him. He might been wearing a helmet but I knew him for sure even though I met him once.

"Nigel!" I said in confusion

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