Team seven

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With Kakashi

Their taking too long. What's going on. 

With the genin.

"Kakashi is at training ground 7. Are you ready to initiate the net." Naruto said nearing training ground 7. "Ready" chorused Satsuki and Shikamaru. "Then Shikamaru do your thing."

Shikamaru runs at full speed hoping to catch kakashi by suprise.
The moment he arrives he shouts out "Doton: Earth wall!"

He creates a high wall trying to prevent kakashi from escaping. Then proceeds to shout "shadow possession complete."

This entire time kakashi had stood still watching them to see what they would do. "Smart plan, but I see you weren't taught the weakness of the shadow possession jutsu." He said hoping to break their confidence.

That's when Naruto appeared with the signature speed of an Uchiha. But it was at that moment that he knew he messed up.

The caught kakashi dispersed into mist and the real kakashi appeared holding a knocked out Satsuki by the collar from the trees. "Smart plan little genin. Tracking down my two chakra signatures and distracting one while sneaking up on the other. Genius. That's all I need to see. All of you are now Team Kakashi better known as Team Seven!"

Shikamaru was gobsmacked. That was it. "So the reason you've sent more than ten teams back to the academy is because they didn't work together?" He said clearly baffled.

"Yes that's exactly the reason. If you can't work with your teammates then how can you trust them during a mission." Kakashi said. "But isn't the most important thing completing the mission instead-" Naruto said but was cut off.

"Let me tell you something I had to learn the hard way. Those who abandon a mission are scum. But those who abandon their teammates are worse than scum! No matter what happens keep that in mind." He lectured. He then proceeded to leaf bunshin out of the training ground.

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