Proof of power

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On to the story

3 hours after team selection

Naruto POV

Ofcourse nii-chan is late I should have expected it.

"Let's prank the idiot" Satsuki said from across the room.

"You do know it won't work, right?" I sighed.

"Well let's try! Shikamaru you in...? Shikamaru?" He was dead asleep! Satsuki's evil grin is getting better everyday. 'shiver'

"Lightning style: static shock"

She rubbed her finger tips together and tapped his hair which fizzed up along with the rest of him.

He instinctively pulled out a kunai and got into a battle stance. 

'Who trained him! Those reactions only come from muscle memory. STUPID! He's a clan heir. Naturally he's been atleast mildly trained by his clan.'

"Simmer down Shikamaru, she was just pranking you." I said slightly shocked. Who knew the lazy genin


A cloud of smoke appeared infront of the room shocking all the inhabitants.

A silver haired man in his early twenties appeared.

"Well you must be my team. Here are your codenames on missions."

He pointed to the right directly where shikamaru sat.

"Shadow tag. I know naras so don't be surprised I know your signature style."

He looked straight at Suki.

"Raven. With your hair colour, your chosen jutsus and generally your latent Uchiha potential, that name should work perfectly."

Finally he landed on me. "Kitsune. With your prankster tendencies, your past, your little secret and your style of fighting you'll wear that name with pride."

"Team seven, to the roof!"

And silence.

"Well that was certainly interesting." Suki said looking astonished.

"Well let's go so that Sargeant dramatic doesn't go breathing down our necks."

5 minutes later

Well they were comfortably perched on the roof.

"Well Uzumaki you'll start us off. Likes, dislikes, hobbies, goals." He looked at Naruto interestingly.

"Why don't you start us off Sensei." I said without room for negotiation.

"Well why not. My name is Hatake Kakashi. My likes... can't seem to remember, dislikes....none come to mind. Hobbies, hmmmmm... Well you're too young to know them. Goals. To bring back someone important to me." He looked almost wistful near the end.

"Blondie you're up!" He said while slapping himself out of his momentary stupor.

I sighed and said "I'm Uzumaki Naruto. I like the colours black and orange, my best friend, loved ones, pulling pranks, ramen and training. My dislikes are bullies, killers and traitors. My hobbies are training, reading and fuinjutsu training. My goal is to become powerful to have no peer and protect what I hold dear."

The Ravaged PathDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora