The Tidal Wave Approaches

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After team 7 passed the bell test they assumed that now was the time to celebrate and use their skills. They were very much mistaken.

"Jiji come oooooonnnnnnnnn! Isn't there any thing above a D-rank that we can try. They're so boring." Naruto said mentally exhausted.

Satsuki simply facepalmed. Naruto may have become a lot colder and tougher but all of that melts away when face to face with his "jiji".

"Kakashi do you think they're ready for a C-Rank?" Hiruzen said with a raised eyebrow. He knew about the talent of team 7. They've done their D-Ranks flawlessly. To the point that Tora had given up on escaping his owner.

"Well I think they do deserve a chance at the big stuff so why not." Kakashi said. He had taught his team enough to survive a C-Rank.

"Hokage-sama these are fresh genin out of the academy. Don't you think they're still a bit too green for this?" Iruka butted in. He managed to annoy the genin but was ignored their glares. He'd helped Kakashi raise Naruto to some extent while Kakashi was on missions so he'd grown overprotective of the boy.

"Nonsense Iruka. Team 7's potential is being wasted by time in the village. Send in Tazuna." Hiruzen said dismissively. The third knew about Iruka's attachment to the boy so he wasn't shocked by his words.

"Yes Hokage-Sama." Iruka said looking disgruntled. He stepped out of the room and a few minutes later, a tall, (for lack of a better word) chubby man who reeked of alcohol.

The man looked down at team 7. "Is this really the best the legendary Hidden Leaf Village could get me? A weird man with white hair, an emo, a dumb blonde and a pineapple head. Are you kidding me?!" He said clearly in a drunk haze.

Kakashi narrowed his visible eye. "Why would you need more than a genin team to deal with nothing more than bandits. I feel genin are perfect for this mission. Or is there something you aren't telling us Tazuna?"

Tazuna seemed quite frightened already but managed to mutter out "Of course not jonin. Why would I lie." He said irritated bit slightly dispassionately. He looked down at the genin, possibly to leave them with a rude remark before he left but he saw something he wasn't expecting.

Naruto simply turned to look at him while channeling a thick layer of chakra around his hand. Satsuki finger tips began to crackle with lightning. Shikamaru glared ominously and took out a kunai while his shadow started move like it was made of tentacles.

"Please say that again, but a little louder." Shikamaru said with an ominous smile. Tazuna looked like he was ready to wet his pants and bolted from the room with a quick "Be ready in the morning".

"Team 7, dismissed." Hiruzen said and dived into battle with his and all the kages' greatest enemy. PAPERWORK.

Kakashi sweat dropped. His team was made up of three of the most talented genins in the last ten years and it showed. "Alright team,please go home and prepare yourselves for tomorrow's mission. Mostly you'll be encountering simple bandits but you never know." He said giving them an eye smile. He grabbed Naruto 's shoulder and shunshined away.


Didn't plan to update but I needed to unwind and what's better stress relief than writing. Stay tuned for more from the Senjuking

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