The Alliance set in stone

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Kakashi POV

Well, this was very unexpected. I was so shocked I just stood there for a good 2 minutes.

I snapped out of it the moment Naruto came running up to me. I barely heard him say "Hi big bro those are my friends Gaara and Satsuki-chan".

"Well this is certainly interesting right Izumi?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Who's the weird, scary girl?" He said looking frightened.

Izumi POV

Of ALL the kids my sister could talk to she chose the two most potentially dangerous kids in the village. Atleast kakashi's here.

(I'm making Izumi more like an actual person than the stoic Itachi we all know. Although she isn't normal.)

"It certainly is interesting. Wait did he just call me weird?" I said indignantly.

Rasa POV

"Seeing this exchange was pleasent but we have to go. Gaara who might these 2 be."

"These are my 2 new friends, Satsuki Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki."

Uzumaki? The only Uzumakis who lived in the leaf were Mito, the first's wife and.....OH GOD! This in Minato and Kushina's kid.

And it looks like Kakashi's his guardian. This is kinda scary. A kid who could be trained by both kakashi and the toad sage jiraiya once he learns of Naruto's heritage.

"Well we'll be off now I bid you goodnight." he said with a bow.

"Father will I be able to see my new friends again?" Gaara said sadly.

"Yes you will, but it will be awhile before you do." I said not wanting to make him feel even worse.

Naruto POV

I just remembered Gaara doesn't live in Konoha. He probably thinks he's lost his only friends. I knew exactly what to do.

"Gaara no matter what we'll see each other again just don't forget us." I said happily.

"Yeah Gaara don't worry about it! We'll pick up where we left off next time." As she said this she pulled the other two into into a hug.

"Bye guys." He said untangling the hug.

Izumi POV

This is SO cute! Also I can tease Suki about this in a few years.

(P.S. I'm also cringing don't hate me for writing this I don't know how girls think or talk)

Kakashi POV

Naruto somehow still had the energy to give Satsuki a bear hug and start dragging me away. So I quickly uttered a hasty but polite goodbye to Izumi and the kazekage.


Well that's it guys. I noticed my last part didn't get many reads so I was kinda disheartened but I buckled down and completed this chapter. Next time there'll be a time skip.

P.S in my world, Naruto characters have to be 13 to become ninjas.

I'll see there'll definitely be more from the SENJU KING. 



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