team selection and epiphany

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You guys are so loyal it brings me to tears. This chapter is foreshadowing for all you loyal readers. My only excuse is I've been having a really tough time at my new school. I still get good grades but my social life is in shambles, the few people I like being too busy to bother talking to me and a mix of ADHD and trauma clouding my judgement. But I'm going back to the best stress relief I know. Writing for you good people. And all my female readers try explain to me why girls are so complicated 😭😭😭.

Let's hand over
To the narrator 😁

2 years later

Naruto POV 

Well finally I can become a ninja. Kakashi-nii's training finally becomes useful!

Narrator POV

Well these were the thoughts going through Naruto's head as He walked into the academy one lovely morning. Surprised to not see his best friend (and crush but you didn't hear that from me😉). Making his way to his seat his fangirls tried to swarm him but he was too fast.

He sat quietly as they fought for who got the seat next to him until he heard a knock on the window as he was what the fangirls liked to call gazing off into the distance. Seeing the locks of jet black raven hair he wasted no time opening the windows as our favourite truthseeker came crashing onto the scene.

"Hello my dear dobe!"  She said smirking.

"Hello loud raven head." He said not bothering to even look up.


Naruto about to retaliate is abruptly stopped by iruka-sensei walking in and saying "everyone QUIET" which successfully shut the loud class.

"It's time for your exam and I hope you do your best so that you can proudly put on a Konoha Shinobi  headband!"

Timeskip (cause I'm lazy)

After the test.

"All of you here in this room have past the exam so now I will announce the male and female rookie of the year."

"Naruto Uzumaki and Satsuki Uchiha! Come on up to receive your honourary headbands!"

These headbands unlike others have a special deep black colour.

"Runners up are Shikamaru Nara and Hinata Hyuga (Sakura WHO!?)"

They received deep grey headbands rather than the normal blue.

Now for the team

"Team1 .................... Team 7 shall be Naruto Uzumaki, Satsuki Uchiha and Shikamaru Nara and their Jonin sensei will be Kakashi of the Sharingan!"

Everyone simply stared in shock.

Don't worry I'll make another chapter explaining my decisions here.

Stay tuned for more from the SENJUKING

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