The Demon In The Mist

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I'm baaaaaaaackk. Got a chap for you all so let's not waste time and dive in.


Kakashi appears in a swirl of leaves.

Kakashi walks up to his two dumbstruck genin. "I really fooled you two, huh?" He said with his signature eye smile.

"Oh please cyclops you're a jounin and those were two high chunin. If you actually lost I would have you buried in disgrace!" Naruto said while continuing on the trail. "We're burning daylight here!"

Kakashi simply patted their heads and they continued on their way with Tazuna trailing behind.

Naruto kept his eye out just in case anymore bandits decided to pull a fast one. Then suddenly mist began to gather. "Naruto get back here, this isn't natural!" He jumped back just in time because just as he did a blade came cleaving through spot he had just been standing in.

Team 7 and tazuna made their way out of the mist and quietly observed it. They knew that whatever was in that mist was out for blood and if they weren't careful they would be the next crimson stein on his blade.

Eventually after waiting the mist out they saw a silhouette of someone emerging from the mist. As it continued to disperse kakashi and naruto slowly saw that this wasn't just any ninja. This was.....

"Zabuza Momochi, The demon of the mist" they said simultaneously. Kakashi wasted no time in his attack. "Naruto give me about 100 shadow clones from all sides." He said as he charged Zabuza revealing his sharingan. Naruto and satsuki kept their distance while shikamaru guarded Tazuna.

They exchanged a flurry until they neared a puddle. Zabuza sped through hands and said "water style water prison jutsu" as a sphere of water wrapped itself around Kakashi. Zabuza relaxed until he heard...

"Wind style: wind dragon jutsu/Fire style: fire ball jutsu" Naruto and Satsuki shouted simultaneously. Zabuza had no choice but to cancel the jutsu and dodge with kakashi doing the same. Just as he was ready to make his escape he was stopped dead in his tracks by the sound of chirping birds.

"Chidori!" Kakashi yelled as he rammed his lightning covered hand into Zabuza's chest. Just as he was about to finish the job Zabuza was killed by needles embedding themselves in his neck. A hunter nin appeared along side them.

"Sorry to alarm you but I must be leaving with his corpse. You see he is a rogue kiri nin and he must be returned at once to face judgement" the hunter nin said without missing a step.

"Sorry to inform you but we fought him and incapacitated him therefore we get the bounty." Kakashi said standing in front of Zabuza's still corpse.

"Then it's unfortunate that....." she didn't finish that sentence as blood began leak from her mouth. Something had pierced right through her throat."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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