Into the Mist

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I'm back and I'm relieved that I can now build off of the actual story of the show. Sorry Sakura fans but from this point onwards Sakura will receive a lot of bashing. (When she becomes relevant)

At the village gate team 7 seven had arrived and waited for their sensei. For once in his life he arrived 20 min late instead of an hour late.

"Well since everyone is here and ready let's depart immediately." And so they set out on their first ever C-rank.

Naruto was suprised at how boring the first 3 hours of the mission was. Nothing interesting happened till he noticed a puddle. Considering it was early winter that wasn't supposed to be there. He chose to overlook it. Perhaps a simple small downpour in winter.

As they continued on their way and passed the odd puddle, out of nowhere two men burst out of the puddle and used their blades to cleave right through kakashi.

Satsuki was completely dumbstruck by their appearance and the murder of kakashi sensei. So much so that when the assailants attacked she stood and watched staring at death until.......

A shadow was cast on her and the attackers had been stopped in their tracks. Then she heard a familiar voice shout with all their might, "Get it together cause if you die I'll bring you back just to kill you again!". Naruto used the weapons as a springboard to get behind one attacker. He quickly weaved together handseals.

Satsuki knew what was coming and dived out of the way. She heard "Fuuton: Wind Dragon Jutsu!" A gust of wind in the shape of a dragon slammed into the back of assailant one. He fell over unconscious.

Building up her anger, she dashed at the second assailant. They engaged in kunai battle until she heard "Satsuki get over here!". She jumped back standing alongside her teammates.
"So what's the plan?" She said. He eyes darted around then proceeded to say, "let's get him into the net." He made a plus sign and said "multi shadow clone justsu!" Immediately thousands of Naruto clones swamped the attacker. Then suddenly stopped in his tracks and received a flurry of hits from the Naruto clones. "Shadow Possession Jutsu. Complete." Shikamaru said from the shade of a tree.

Satsuki used chakra to jump exceedingly and shouted "Katon: Fireball Jutsu!" A blistering fireball impacted with the attacker and generated a lot of smoke. When the smoke cleared Naruto was sitting on the attackers back. "Well that was much easier than I thought. KAKASHI YOU CAN COME OUT NOW!" In a swirl of leaves kakashi appeared to Naruto's right.

Satsuki and Shikamaru stared wide eyed with their jaws hanging. They shouted in unison, "WHAT!"


Well that was a blast. It's been awhile but I'm back.

 It's been awhile but I'm back

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20.4k reads....... I'm dumbstruck. I was shocked at 1k but this. Y'all are the best and I'd like to thank every single one of you. Well I'll love y'all and leave y'all but stay tuned for more from the SENJUKING!

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