Andy knows.

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Penelope's POV~
Last night was rough, Paul was on patrol and I had multiple nightmares. I hate that I can't sleep without him, Sam had stoped making Paul have night shifts but I thought it was unfair for the other two ,Paul has started doing them again. I thought I would be ok but I wasn't and I don't want to tell Paul since he wouldn't do them again. I just want to feel independent.
I am ready for the day by the time Paul arrives home. He seems angry and overly tired, as soon as he enters the room he falls face first on to our bed grunting on his way down.
"Hi baby." I say stroking his hair. We are meant to be going to a little boys birthday party in a couple of hours but I'm not entirely sure that Paul will be up to it. The party is for one of Pipers friend son and we've helped her plan the best birthday for him.
"Mmm tired." He mumbles as he moves his head to my lap, nuzzling his head into my stomach. Kissing it gently. Luckily my homework is still spread out on the bed so I complete that whilst Paul sleeps.
The urge to throw up arises in me again, this is the worst part of pregnancy. I quickly shove Paul off my lap and run into the bathroom and empty the contents of my stomach in to the toilet. Prue stands behind me and holds my hair and Paul walks in rubbing his eyes before sitting next to me and holding my hand. These two are much nicer than me, however much I love them if they are puking I'm leaving the house for a week. I regret getting dressed so early on when I know that I get morning sickness at about 10.30 so it was a stupid idea and it's a nice outfit as well. I just hope I don't have to change.

Fortunately I don't need to change my outfit, I just reapply some makeup and spay some perfume so people can't tell I've been throwing up. Paul gets dressed and we head off.

For Christmas Paul got us matching jewellery that we can upload pictures on to and when you scan the chip the photos show up

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For Christmas Paul got us matching jewellery that we can upload pictures on to and when you scan the chip the photos show up. That was one of my favourite Christmas presents as it was so heart felt, he knows that I love my locket that my mom gave me before she was killed and it's a similar concept. I add my black puffer jacket to my outfit and we all walk to the park. Paul has his arm around my shoulder holding me tight to his side, my sisters are walking ahead of us gossiping about there week. To say we live together they have a lot to talk about.

We get to the park and we see all the little kids playing with a ball. I'm not why there is a party outside in January but anyways we are asked to join the game.
"Paul try not to be to competitive, they are little kids not Sam and Jared.". I tell him as we head off to our respective teams. Thinking about it my whole outfit choice was a bad idea especially the heels.
We continue to play with the ball, my team winning when one of David's friends throws the ball into the bush accidentally when trying to throw it to Paul.
"I'll get it." David yells before he runs in the bush and throws the ball back to us.

"He's been a while do you think we should check on him." I ask Paul before he stiffens.
We both take off running, well the best I can with heels on, towards the bush we here we see Prue trying to fight a grimlock. Suddenly, the grimlock grabs David and runs further into the bush.
"Help! Help! Let go of me! Help me!" David screams, fear oozing from him. I try to freeze the demon but it's to quick and move. I attempt to run after them but Paul holds me back, I understand where is coming from he's scared of me and our babies coming to any harm.
Prue runs after them. The grimlock stands in a spot and a hole in the ground appears. He jumps in and the hole closes. My heart drops, for the family and the fact I couldn't save him. The feeling of a panic attack bubbles up my chest, memories of that night blur my vision. I need to push these feelings down and save this little boy.

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