Meeting at Sams

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Sam's POV~

After I shifted the elders told me that the Halliwell's were witches

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After I shifted the elders told me that the Halliwell's were witches. I was also told that the sisters didn't have any powers and that they were taken away to protect them , so how have the got them back and what dangers are coming to them. And I'm hoping that Penelope won't be to involved, she is to young to be to involved in the supernatural. I know that Jared and Paul weren't that much older than she was when the first shifted and Jacob and Quill will probably shift this year, so will be the same age as Lotty but I feel so much more protective of her. She has been through so much at a young age and I don't want her to get hurt or loose any of her sisters as that will crush her.
"What's wrong baby" Emily says as she rolls over and hugs torso.
"I'm worried about Penelope and the meeting with the elders later today." I say kissing her head. I haven't told her that the four sisters are witches as it's not my secret to tell and I don't know if the sisters want to tell people.I know that Paul found out accidentally and Prue and angry when he told me.
" Penelope is a strong girl, she has been through hell and still continues to smile. And you have meetings with the elders all the time so it can't be that bad." She says nuzzling her head in to my chest.

Prue's POV~
This morning has been really stressful,for starters I don't actually know why we are having this meeting with the elders of the reservation and Sam Uley. Furthermore this meeting is in half an hour and Lotty is still asleep and I am preparing for a job interview that I have tomorrow.
"Can one of you to wake madam up as we need to talk about something before we go."

After 15 minutes lotty walks down the stairs
"Please tell me you are wearing pants." I groan

Rather than respond she just pulls her sweater up to show her Nike pro shorts

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Rather than respond she just pulls her sweater up to show her Nike pro shorts. I honestly miss when she was 5 she was slightly less sassy,don't get me wrong she was always opinionated and was strong minded but not like this. But i encourage this trait as she will need it to become a lawyer.
"Anyway Piper said you wanted to talk to use before we see Billy,Harry and Old Quill." Lotty says as she take my cup of coffee out of my hands and starts drinking it.
"We aren't going to use our powers. It's not safe  like that warlock said more are going to come for us if we use them." I say looking at my sisters.
" I agree with Prue its to dangerous obviously grams through so to." Piper spoke. What upset me was that phoebe and Lotty didn't agree, do they not understand that it is dangerous to use our powers I can't lose anymore family members.

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