Moving to forks

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Penelope POV~
Last night we got the phone call about grams dying of a heart attack. I am deviated, I loved going to forks and visiting her. She would always have freshly baked cookies and we would watch Christmas films all year round. We would take walks on the beach and talk about what I wanted to do when I finish high school. Grams would also tell me about mom, when she died I was to young to even remember her so I only have the stories and picture grams and my older sisters would tell me.
As I lay in bed, my eyes puffy and tear stains on my cheeks, my oldest sister Prue walks in and sits next to me. She is holding a carton of Ben and Jerry's ice cream and passes me a spoon, we talk about our memories with grams and how she always knew what to do when we were upset and said how we need her right now as she always know how to comfort us.

It has been a week since grams has died and we are going to Forks for the funeral. Well Prue is going for the funeral, I am moving there and living with uncle Charlie. Prue and Piper will be moving to Forks as well in a couple of months and we will be living in grams house but they need to sort a few things out.
Outfit to the airport

This is a bitter sweet moment, I love going to Forks it's so peaceful and I have all my favourite memories here but it feels wrong that I will be going here To say my last goodby to   grams

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This is a bitter sweet moment, I love going to Forks it's so peaceful and I have all my favourite memories here but it feels wrong that I will be going here To say my last goodby to   grams. The airport is busy, filled with laughter and endless chatter. The smell of coffee and freshly baked pastries filled the airport as me and Prue walked though to the gate. We have about an hour until we board the plane so we are just sat here waiting, I can tell that Prue is trying to hold it together for me. I still have the dried tears on my cheeks and more tears are threatening to fall, it feels like a piece of me is missing. We sat there in silence waiting to be called up, after what felt like hours we were called to board the plane. The flight was meant to be around 2 hours which means I can hopefully have a long nap, I haven't really been sleeping. Each time I tried to sleep I keep thinking of grams and how I should have spent more time with her, each time I have ended up I tears.

I must have fallen asleep because i was being shaken by Prue and told that we have landed. Our uncle Charlie is picking us up from the airport, hopefully in his cruiser  ( when I was little he used to drive me around in his police car with his lights and siren when I was upset). After we collect our suitcases, I have three, we went to meet Charlie. I was so excited I hadn't seen him in a couple of months.
"Uncle Charlie" I said running up to him and basically tackling him to the ground.
"Umpft, lotty nice to see you again, I missed you to" he said trying to keep his balance supporting us both.
Prue just stood there laughing, it's the first time in a week things have felt normal. For the first couple of days I was expecting to wake up and for this all to be a dream and grams wasn't dead but unfortunately it wasn't a dream it was real life. In a matter of days my life has completely change, firstly grams died and then I found out that I will be moving to Forks. We have been planning the funeral and Prue bought me a one way ticket to Forks. Prue and piper are moving to but in around 6 months, they need to find jobs here and sell there apartments, and Prue wanted me to start a new school in September rather than in the middle of the year. I am excited though as it will be a fresh start and I get to move to one of my favourite place but it will be weird without Prue. Prue has always been there for me whether I liked it or not.
Prue and Piper are staying at grams house to start to go through all of her things and me and phoebe are staying at uncle Charlie
This is my room

Charlie said that is friend sue clearwater helped him pick everything out, I love it, I wasn't expecting my room to be decorated as I won't be staying here for long but Charlie has always treated us like we were his own children especially since h...

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Charlie said that is friend sue clearwater helped him pick everything out, I love it, I wasn't expecting my room to be decorated as I won't be staying here for long but Charlie has always treated us like we were his own children especially since his brother was the one who left us.
Me and phoebe have been sharing, well trying to share the small bed that is in my room. Charlie does have another room which is his daughter Bella's room but phoebe wanted some "quality time together" but I don't know how she got us sharing a bed from that but anyways today is the day of the funeral.  This feels so surreal, I want someone to jump out at me and say that it's all a joke but it's not she is really gone.

The Service was beautiful, grams would have loved it

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The Service was beautiful, grams would have loved it. The church was filled with people that were friends with grams, she was a very popular lady, she was known for her smile and homemade cookies that she used to cheer people up. Not a single person disliked grams. Her body laid lifeless in the coffin she was wearing her Signature red dress with the matching heels looking beautiful as always, her pictures showed her life's work. I am going to miss her but I feel like her passing will create something good. Almost like it was meant to happen to bring us together somehow.
Well anyway Piper has met a"handsome" man at the funeral but something tells me that he is a little off but he has made Piper smile on this sad day so who am I to judge.

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