Chapter forty six : Home

Start from the beginning

Gajeel's mouth opened as he felt a pressure on his shoulder, he looked down seeing Levy rest her head against it. Her book was closed and on her lap, she looked down at his hands. "You're hands are so big."

Gajeel frowned "thanks?"

Levy took his hand and put it against hers. "See look I have tiny hands! I'm just tiny!"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Well I don't know... whenever I look at people I have to look right up at them, it can hurt my neck!"

"You can look fine at Gramps or Wendy." He reasoned.

"That's not the point." Levy pointed.

"Who care if you're small. I like you being small."

Levy looked up and smiled tilting her head "thanks." She smiled and moved her hand a little so that her fingers fit in the spaces between his. She held his hand and then rested their hands between each others legs.


Lucy and Natsu sat next to each other on the plane doing a hand game, Natsu chose to do it to distract her from ascending the plane but then it got fun.

"One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war."

Lucy's eyes blazed with determination "I'll win this one!"

"No way! You can't defeat this!" Natsu grinned, they had their hands clasped together fingers curling together thumbs pointing.

They began to wriggle their thumbs attempting to pin the thumb down. Lucy gasped when Natsu pinned her thumb down he began to say "one, two, three-"

"Is that the food cart?!" Lucy exclaimed looking behind Natsu.

Natsu gasped and turned away, Lucy snickered and quickly pinned his thumb down speedily saying "one, two, three, four, I won the thumb war!"

He turned around slowly peering at his girlfriend "that was a sneaky move Luce."

Lucy shrugged smiling. "Come on time for slaps."

"What's that?" Natsu tilted his head some pink hair brushing his ear.

Lucy rolled her eyes and gently took his hands turning them up so his palms were upwards. She then hovered her hands downwards over his. "Rules are simple. I, having my hands over yours try slap the back of your hands you try to pull away in time. If I hit you we switch."

"Oh right!" Natsu nodded in understanding.

Lucy smiled and then quickly tried to hit the back of Natsu's hands, he pulled away quickly grinning. As Lucy continuously tried to hit the back of his hands Natsu out of nowhere asked "so where does this take us now?"

"What do you mean?" She missed his hands again.

"Like where do we go from here? How does it work?" He sharply pulled his hands away from Lucy's swing.

"You mean between us?"


Lucy paused hands hovering over Natsu's "I mean, the first step for people dating is... moving in." She shook her head looking flustered "but we've barely been t-together! I mean-"

Lucy let out a gasp of surprise when he caught her hands. Natsu looked up with defiant eyes "I practically already live at your house."

Lucy blushed and laughed "I guess you do. You know what can make you moving in official?"

He looked confused "what?"

"Remember I gave you a key so you can come in the front door and not my window."

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