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I was done hurting her tonight I decided to be nice to her I go to her room to see it's still trashed "get up come with me" she does so following me to my room

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I was done hurting her tonight I decided to be nice to her I go to her room to see it's still trashed "get up come with me" she does so following me to my room.

I see she wrapped herself up "you'll be sleeping with me tonight got it" she nod her head "your words love" her voice came out as a whisper "okay" I stroke her hair "come on lay on me" she hesitantly laid on me.

She was shaking which means she was scared or cold because my room was natural cold that's how I liked it she snuggled close to me "we can't fuck with you in this condition" I could feel her eyes roll.

She sits up "it's fucking cold in your room and dark" i tilt my head at her response "what scared of the dark" I feel her get out the bed flicking the light on I cover my eyes.

She come beside me and kneel bending down bringing a remote from underneath my bed sniffing it which makes her gagged "why does it smell like this" I smiled looking at her.

"Why I stuck it inside you once of course" , "you're a sick man you know that right" I shrugged my shoulders.

She go whip it off "I can't believe he would put this inside of me" she mumbled thinking I didn't hear her she stands in front of me "what, you want me to eat you out, that could be arranged" she sigh.

"No I want you to scoot back" I scooted back she lays down in front of me whilst I'm at the back she turns the tv on putting on something random but turned her body towards me.

The light was still on so I got up to turn it off and laying back down "why abuse me if you're just going to invite me in your bed" she gently stroke her face.

Tucking her hair behind her "it's my way of punishing you for leaving me" tears brim in her eyes daring to fall "I loved you and you robbed me of my freedom and happiness".

I didn't want her to leave like the other ones before her I had to have her stay so I wouldn't feel alone "I was afraid of being alone" she searched my eyes looking for something.

She touched my face with her soft hands "if you would've opened up to me maybe I wouldn't have fell out of love with you" I shocked at what she said.

"You felled out of love with me" she nods "because you would do thing that showed your true colors and I knew I was in danger" I removed her hand off my cheek.

I just twirled her hair "you haven't seen danger my love" I got up leaving out the room getting a pocket knife I would show her danger.

As I walked back in she was gone I saw the window up I immediately ran down stairs running out the door trying to find her it's like she had disappeared.

A/N:These two are so chaotic and I think I'm here for it

His seekable treasure Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora